The perfect tux

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~~~~Michaels POV~~~~

My friend lashon and I are at the men's suit store, trying to find something really nice to wear for the dance tomorrow night. Fallon's friend Diamond is actually dating lashon, and he's apart of the football team so I know him pretty well.

"Man, I might just be real simple and get this black and white one." Lashon said while grabbing a suit.

"I don't know... I might get this all black suit with a hint of red in it." I said while looking around

"Damn mike, you stay wearing red." Lashon says laughing

"Red is the color, I'm tellin ya."

"True.." He admitted. "So what do you and fallon have planned after the dance?"
"Mmm, well I plan on taking her to a five star restaurant, and after that Gee, I'm not sure. I do want her to come over since she's never been over my house before... But it just depends."

"My nigga mike tryna get some!!!" Lashon says out loud causing all the
customers to turn around

"Yo shut up!" I said throwing a hanger at him
"Don't start!" He said throwing a hanger back at me
"You punk!" I laugh while throwing the box of fedoras at him

"HEY HEY HEY, YOU NO PLAY IN HERE!" the manager yelled out

"Yea, sorry man!" Lashon repeated.

"Messing with you, your gonna get me kicked outta here!" I laugh elbowing him

"Yea right! Anyways I got the suit I want, ima be looking so fly!! Whoa!" He said while checking himself out in the mirror

"I almost got mines together.. You know I gotta look nice and smooth.. Especially for my girl." I told him while grabbing the all black suit. "Now all I need is...... This!" I run over to grab an all red tie, with a black trim around it. "But back to what you were saying lashon, I'm waiting until she's ready... You know... For sex.. Plus we have to be very cautious."

"Mike their are condoms out there. Go get some!" He said, not realizing that I was actually talking about the fact that I'm a werewolf and I'm not trying to kill my girlfriend.

"I know man, you don't have to school me about sex." I told him

"You must love her..." He said while paying for his suit

"I do. I love her a lot, I couldn't even see myself without her to be honest."

"Damn mike, sounds like your in love! But hey, I'm the same way with Diamond. Have you expressed your feelings to her?"

"Yea, I mean, I never told her I loved her, but I've always expressed to her my feelings. After the dance, when we go to dinner, I might tell her then....... You know what, let's go to that store across the street really quick, I have a great idea." I said running off with my bags

"Wait up mike!"

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