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After first period, Michael and I didn't say two words to each other. Mainly because I couldn't quite understand that the guy who I was starting to love, is actually a werewolf. There's a lot of mixed emotions that's going on inside of me right now.

Lunch time arrives and me and Diamond grab some food and sit down at the table.
"Fallon....... Fallon??" Diamond says waving her hand in the air trying to get my attention. I quickly snap out of it.
"Oh, sorry diamond... I just, have other things on my mind.."
"You wanna talk about it?" She asks nicely
"No, I'm fine... It's nothing, just thinking about school." I said

"Oh, ok.. So what do you think about michael letting everybody know that you was his girl today?" She says giving me a smirk making me laugh.

"I was definetely surprised. And happy. I didn't expect that at all." I blush.

"Speaking of michael he's walking over here now." She said quickly.

Michael then walks over to the table with his big letterman jacket and his large hands inside of his jean pockets. I instantly melt. Just him walking makes me melt. I love the way he slides his left and right foot swiftly across the floor. He walks so smooth, you'd swear it was water he was walking on.
"Hey Fallon, can I talk to you?" He asks me softly.
"You can sit if you'd like." I said pointing to a chair across from me. Michael giggles alittle
"No, I wanna talk somewhere more private." He said giving me a more serious look. I get up and follow him
"Diamond I'll be right back." He wraps his arm around my waist walking me out of the cafeteria into the hallway.
"How are you?" He randomly asked me.
"I'm good michael.. How are you?"

"I'm great, I was just trying to see where your head was." He looks around to make sure nobody can hear him. "With me and the whole wolf thing."

"Well it's very overwhelming I tell you that. It's not like I've dated a werewolf before." I said sarcastically

"So do you still.. Like me?" He asked biting his lip worried that I'd say no.
"Of course." I said getting closer to him. "You being what you are, isn't gonna make me like you any less. I just need some time to adjust."
He breaths out in relief
"Ok, good..." He said hugging me tight
"Ow, ow, michael not so tight." I said touching my side area. Michael then lifts up my shirt to see the big bruise he gave me.
"I did that??!" He said very wide eyed and I nodded
"But it's ok michael.. It'll go away soon." I quickly said, trying to make him not feel bad
"I'm so sorry." He said softly to me
"It's ok, it's nothing to stress about. I'll see you later." I said giving him a peck on his lips before walking back into the cafeteria.

"Hey!" Michael yells out, I quickly turn my head.
"What are you doing tonight??" He says following me into the cafeteria.

"Mmm, nothing.. It's a school night, so I'll probably just be doing homework in my room."
"Ok, well can you do me a favor?" He asks getting infront of me.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Can you leave your window unlocked for me tonight?" He said looking into my eyes. I then gave him a "what the hell?! Why?" face. My heart started to beat fast again, god I hope he can't hear it. He then starts to laugh. Dammit he hears it!

"Fallon, calm down." He says giggling to the beat of my heart.
"I just wanna lay with you tonight, if that's ok."

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