Sunset Jazz

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Michael and I have been driving for 15 minutes straight and I have no idea where we are going, but I'm starving, and all he's doing is laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask him
"Your stomach, it's rumbling so hard, it's making funny noises." He said chuckling. I always forget that he can hear things so well due to him being a wolf and all. "But it's fine girl, I've already made dinner reservations for you."

We pulled up to a fancy bright building called, "Sunset Jazz" it's beautiful. Michael opens up my door, and takes me by the hand before we walk in.

"Welcome to Sunset Jazz, one of the finest restaurants around that has a live band playing to you while you eat your 5 star meal. Unfortunately, we cannot let you two in unless you have a reservation, so sorry for the inconvenience, bye bye now." The server told us in a very stuck up manner

"There's no inconvenience sir, we have a reservation already, it's under Michael Johnson." Michael said, and the server shockingly found his name

"Oh.... I see... Alright, right this way... Mr. Johnson." He said as we followed him to our table

"Thank you.." I said as I sat down

"Your main server will be with you two shortly." He then left off to attend the other customers at the door.

"Michael this is a beautiful place.. But you do know you could have took me to KFC or something right?"
He starts to laugh.

"Yea you right, I should have just ordered you a number 3 with extra chicken wings."

"I wouldn't mind." I said laughing

"You know fallon.. You don't ask for much, I think that's what I love most about you.. You don't need to have the most expensive thing in the world to satisfy you." I turn my head away to try and hide myself from blushing
"What's up with you tonight huh? Why are you doing all this for me? Why are you being so nice?" I asked him
"I just wanna be the best boyfriend possible, and I want tonight to go perfectly as planned."

"How could tonight be more perfect than this? I mean, besides the whole punching Stacey in the face thing, tonight has already been perfect in my eyes." I told him

"It will, trust me." He said in a lower tone while licking his lips

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