Finally Home

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Today was a decent day at school, my new classes seemed pretty cool, and My photography teacher bought me a new camera! I'm glad it's over though. "La la la la la la la la la la la ohhhh." My mom sings out while I'm walking in the house. I love her wild energy, she has such a spunky personality. "Hey mom." I say while laughing, she's dancing all around the house like a little hyper puppy. "S.O.S. means someone help me..... Come here kid, how was school?" She grabs me in and swirls me around. I swirl around laughing. "School was school, glad I'm home now, but I'll be upstairs if you need me." She nods and turns up the music and begins dancing again.
"And mom Diamond is coming over soon so make sure you let her in this time!!!" I yell over the music. I can't even count on my fingers how many times Diamond has been locked out of the house due to my mom not hearing her knock because of her loud music.
A couple hours later, Diamond comes over and we're both discussing our day.
"So he tried to talk to me again, and I just can't with Lashon anymore fallon, he's too much." Diamond says while laying across my bed.
"So do you still love him?" I ask her.
"Of course I do." She says while giving me her sad puppy dog face.
"Well then follow your heart Diamond, your heart is never wrong." She started smiling at me. "Why are you smiling at me?! Ya creep." I say playfully.
"Because you give the best advice!!! Ugh, I love you fallon." Diamond then jumps off the bed to hug me. "I love you too." I smile. She jumps back on the bed.
"Ok, so what we really need to be talking about is you and Michael Johnson......" She says his name like he has the cooties or something. "Oh god." I say, burying my face in the pillow.

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