Predator and Prey

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"I'll get it." My mom says while looking through the peep hole and turning to smile at me. She then opens the door. And there was Michael, wearing some fitted blue jeans, with a purple and black sweater.
"Hello Mrs. Nicole, I'm Michael." He says showing off his white teeth. My mom smiles back and reaches out her hand to shake his.
"Hello, Michael, it's nice to meet you, come in." She motions him in. When he walks in he admires my moms choice of autumn colors in the room. He then looks over at me standing in the kitchen.
"Hey Fallon." He says smiling again. He says my name as if it is was the prettiest name in the whole world.
"Hey Michael." I say smiling back.
"You ready to get started?" He asks me.
"Oh yea, um we can just go up to my room." I said and I motion him upstairs.
"Alright let me know if you need anything hun!" My mom yells up. We go up in my room and I turn on the lights.
"Wow, fallon, your room is amazing." He says while looking at all my posters and photos.
"Thank you.. It's just all my photography pictures that I've taken in the past year." I say
"Well I like it, it's really neat." He says looking over at me, I smile and look away. "May I sit?" He says pointing at my bed. I nod my head.
"Oh yea, no problem." I get on the bed too, and we begin to talk about the project.
"So do you think we should provide facts on the project, you know, to make it seem more interesting?" I ask him
"Oh definetely, you have a pen and paper?" He asks. I get up to grab a paper and pen off my dresser.
"Got it." I said and I sit back on the bed with my legs folded up.
"Ok, so animals such as fox, bears, and wolves, all have a really good sense of smell. Any and everything that excites their senses they become drawn too." I nod while I write.
"So your talking about their prey? Like their targets?" I ask while looking up at him, he turns to face me.
"No not always. See, that's how um.. wolves, find their mates. Sometimes the scent can tell you a lot about that person or animal." While he was talking I couldn't help but notice how perfect his jawline was, and how perfect his teeth were, and how nice and sweet he smelled. I'm not even listening to a word he's saying right now.
"You know what I'm saying girl?" He says, I nod, faking that I heard him, and he continues.
"And sometimes the wolves can't stay away from that scent, because it, brings out something in them..."
Michael then scoots closer to me on the bed, my palms begin to sweat, my heart is beating fast, what is he doing?!?

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