The perfect dress

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~~~~ One Week Later~~~~

Diamond and I are currently at the mall picking out our dresses for tomorrow nights dance. I still can't believe I'm going to this thing. Michael has been begging me to go all week, and he always wins me over. Everytime he talks about the dance his face just lights up like a big bright Christmas tree. I love it when he gets that happy about things because it makes me happy. I love seeing his beautiful face light up.... He is so.......

"Fallon..... Fallon..... FALLON!" Diamond yells trying to get my attention.
"Oh, sorry girl I was just thinking, what's up?"

"Ok, what about this dress, do you like it?" She said posing in an all white dress. It's beautiful on her, I find diamonds shape and everything about her beautiful. Sometimes I hate the way diamond views herself, she just simply doesnt see what I see.
"Diamond it's gorgeous on you! The white pattern is amazing, I love it." She looks down at herself and back in the mirror.
"Mmmm, I don't know fallon.. It looks kind of weird to me."
Here we go again .....

"Diamond would you just shut up. It's a beautiful dress, and this white goes perfect with the black and silver heels you have."

"Yea I guess that would look cute..." She says biting her lip, she turns around in the mirror again.
"Oooh, my ass looks nice in this dress... Ok, I have to get it!" She said going back into the dressing room to take it off.
"Diamond I swear you are too much sometimes." I walk away laughing and observing a dress for me to get.
"Fallon what colors are you and michael wearing?"

"Well... I'm not sure... To be honest with you."
"Really fallon." She said walking out of the fitting room

"But I have a good feeling he's gonna wear black and red, he loves those two colors"

"Ok..... How about this?" Diamond says pulling out this short red dress with sparkles on it.
"How about no." I told her
"What about this?!" She pulled out an all black and silver dress with a slit going up the side of the leg.
"Mmm, its too sexy for me, but I do want a black dress. Like.... THIS!" I pulled out this long satin black dress that has a cut open area for my back. "Diamond I gotta try this on." I go into the fitting room and the dress perfectly scopes my body.

"Fallon! Hurry up and come out, I wanna see it on you!" Diamond yells out
I walk out into the fitting room hallway where there is a bigger mirror and a huge lighting area
"Oh my god..." Diamond said
I look over at her confused
"What, you don't like it???"
"No fallon, I love it! Wait until michael see you girl. He won't even be able to keep his hands to himself."

I examine myself again in the mirror
"Yes, this dress is perfect, I hope he likes it."

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