Did I really just do that?

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When we first arrived at the dance it was very awkward, because everyone's eyes were directly on us. It was as if they had never seen us in school before.

"Michael....people are staring." I whispered to him while squeezing his hand.
"Relax baby girl.. They just never seen someone as beautiful as you before." I looked up at him smiling and he kissed my cheek. "Come on let's find a table." He said to me

"Mike!!! Wassup bro?!" One of the guys on the football team.

"Hey Brian, what's up?" Michael said shaking hands with him
"Nothing man, just hanging out.. You looking real fly tonight!" He told him and michael starts to laugh.
"I try." Michael admitted.
I leave the two to talk and diamond and I go find a table to sit down at.

"They got it looking real nice in here." I admitted to Diamond
"Right... So fancy!" She said touching the flowers that were laid on the table. "Ew, incoming hoe on your left." She said while cringing her nose. I turn to look and it's Stacey.
"Ugh, could her dress be any shorter?" I said, and Diamond starts bursting out laughing.
"So trashy!" She says while laughing.. She then stops laughing out of no where.
"What?" I asked looking at her
"Um, whatever you do, don't turn around." She said and I imediately turned around to see Stacey flirting with michael. I was furious.

"Diamond I'll be right back." I told her while getting up, she grabs my arm to try to stop me. "Take your hand off me now!" I said yanking away from her.

While I was walking up to confront her, Stacey placed her hand on Michael's arm, I quickly ran up to them, and pushed her hand off his arm.
"Really Stacey?! Keep your dirty ass hands off of him!"
"Babe... She's not worth it, c'mon." Michael said while trying to pull me away.
"Michael not right now!" I snapped at him. I didn't mean to yell at him intentionally I was just beyond pissed at this point.

"I was just making conversation.. Chill the fuck out! If I wanted michael, I could totally have him!" Stacey said.

"Stacey I don't like you.... And you don't smell good.. Your far from my type." Michael admitted. "Leave me and my girl alone...please." He said calmly
"I know you want me michael."She said with her hands on her hips.

I couldn't help myself, I punched her right in the face. And I saw Diamond running up from across the room.

"Oh shit! Babe let's go! Go back to the table now!" Michael said grabbing my hand, pulling me along.

After a few minutes of michael and Diamond calming me down, I finally cool down. I can't believe I punched her, but she deserved it.

"Give me your hand." Michael said before kissing my knuckles. I smiled at the fact of him trying to kiss the pain of my hand away. He then stood up and asked me..

"Can I dance with my girl?"

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