Family Dinner... With Michael

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"So michael, how old are you?" My dad asked him calmly while taking a bite out of his chicken.
"I'm 19 sir." Michael said politely

"19 huh.. So did you fail in grade school? Because you know your suppose to be 18 being a senior."
"Dad." I muttered over the table

"Um, no, I actually just turned 19." Michael said.
"Hmm alright." My dad said under his breath.
"Ok.... So michael, do you play any sports?" My mom asked

"Yes maim I do.. I play football."

"Oh really?!" My dad said very excited. "What position you play?"

"I'm a quarterback sir." Michael smiled eating another piece of chicken.
"Wow, you love you some chicken don't you?" My mom said jokingly, we all started to laugh.

"Chicken, and any meat that's out there I love." Michael said. That is definetely a wolf thing, they love meat.
After a billion questions we finally finish dinner.
"Oh boy.. I'm stuffed." Michael said rubbing his stomach

"Yea, mom that was great." I said after him

"Well thank you hun, and michael I can definetely tell your someone special in Fallon's life, and your welcome over here anytime." She told him. He smiled brightly, happy that he has won her approval.
"Thank you."

"So uh.... Michael, this means that you and my daughter are.... Dating?" My dad asked hesitant. Michael quickly looked at me for an answer, not sure if he should tell him the answer.
"Yes dad, we are together." I said looking over at him.

"Well.... Look Fallon, if your happy, I'm happy." He then places his hand on top of michaels shoulder attempting to intimidate him.

"And for you michael, treat and protect my little girl alright?" He said

"Yes sir, always." Michael responded. I grabbed his hand smiling over at him.
My parents both get up to throw away our plates.

"They like you." I whispered over to him.
"I'm glad." He said looking over at me.

"Hey fallon! You know the dance is next weekend, are you guys going?" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Um... No, I don't think that I am." I said while my mom walks back into the dining room.
"What, why not?! Come on fallon your a senior for headings sake! Ya gotta go."

"Actually.... I was planning on taking fallon with me to the dance next weekend." Michael told her, I looked over at him as if he has lost his mind.

"Hmmm, So I guess you are going after all." My mom said smirking.

"Trust me fallon, it'll be a night you won't forget." He said in a persuasive tone

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