Plans about the mission

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They went back to the mansion and ate the dinner. It was pizza. It had been a while since they ate pizza so they decided to buy some. They ate the pizza and went to bed. Katarina slept in the room next to Steve's. She brought her luggage and put them there. They all didn't sleep well. They kept thinking about entering the military base and kidnapping Dragunov and beating him up. Shasha just stared at the ceiling, thinking about what she would do to enter the military base. Katarina kept thinking about how she would grab Dragunov by the shoulders and violently shake him until he spits out the information. Steve was thinking about beating up the soldiers and guards there, knocking them out, stealing their uniform and entering the place in disguise. Adam was thinking about dismantling the security cameras, hacking into the computer and all sorts of IT things. Anna was thinking how she would just spray her chloroform perfume and Dragunov just slumps to the ground. Nina was thinking how they would kidnap Dragunov and bring him for questioning.
The next morning, they woke up and went to work as usual after having breakfast together.
"So should we bring him here for questioning or wanna bring him somewhere else?" asked Shasha during breakfast. "If somewhere else, where can we bring him?"
"I think it's better we bring him to the Mishima Zaibatsu," said Nina. "There's a scary looking interrogation room there."
"I feel like it's better to bring him to G Corp," said Anna. "Because it's nearer to the bullet train station."
Shasha suddenly choked on her food and started coughing. She quickly recovered and drank water.
"Wait so our plan is to kidnap him and transport him here via BULLET TRAIN?!" asked Shasha, surpirised. "Won't that be suspicious, to carry around an unconscious foreign man, wearing a military suit, in a BULLET TRAIN?"
There was silence at this. They hadn't really thought about that.
"I think it's better if we drive," said Steve. "It's about a one hour drive from here right?"
"Yes it is," said Adam. "So we drive there, kidnap him and bring him to... where?"
"G Corporation," said Anna. "It's nearer to the Yokohama boarder."
"Wait one more problem," said Shasha. "There's like six of us, and when we kidnap Dragunov, there'll be seven. So how are we all gonna squeeze into a car?"
"I think we should borrow one of the Mishima Zaibatsu SUVs," said Nina. "They're very large and can easily fit ten people if needed."
"That's it then," said Shasha. "Then it's settled. We'll go after work. It's better to go in the evening than now."
They all agreed with the plan. It seemed foolproof and they were looking forward to carry it out that day. So they went to work. Katarina decided to follow them to the Mishima Zaibatsu while Shasha went to her detective training school. Everyone looked forward to going Yokohama later that day. Shasha could hardly concentrate in class but she somehow managed to. She stared into the abyss during break and wasn't eating. Ella waved a hand in front of her.
"Oi, eat," said Ella, tapping her shoulder, causing Shasha to jump. "It's break time and you haven't even touched your food!"
"Oh no," said Shasha and quickly started eating the food. "I must have been in a daze, sorry."
"Well I can see that," said Ella. "You better eat quickly, the bell will ring in five minutes."
"Golly!" said Shasha and quickly but carefully gulped down the food. "Break is almost up!"
She finished the food and then stood up to go back to class. Ella started laughing.
"I was only kidding when I said we only have five minutes of break left," said Ella. "There's like twenty minutes left! And now you finished eating faster than I did..."
"Oh yeah," said Shasha, checking her watch. "Now I have to wait for you to eat. Why do you always eat so slowly?"
Ella just shrugged and continued to eat. Break was soon over and the students soon went back to their classes. The lessons went on as usual and soon, it was time to go back. Shasha and Ella parted ways and went back to their homes. Shasha decided to walk home again because the scenery was very pleasant and peaceful with the autumn leaves dropping on top of her, the cool autumn breeze blowing in her hair and the chirping of birds. She at last arrived at Nina's mansion and went to prepare lunch after resting a bit. She went to the kitchen and cooked some hot, creamy chicken soup with crackers. She also prepared some caramel rolls for dessert, since she was lazy and she found pre-made caramel roll dough in the fridge. She finished cooking and served it on the table and waited for the others. They arrived in two cars. One was Nina's car and the other was a big black SUV. It was huge. They had borrowed it from the Mishima Zaibatsu.
"I was thinking we should borrow a helicopter," said Nina. "But we figured that it would be much too noisy for what we'll be doing later..."
"Yes it would give the game away," said Anna. "They'll probably get another helicopter and chase us all the way around the world..."
They ate the tasty lunch that Shasha had prepared. It was nice to eat chicken soup on a cold autumn day.
"I should get used to the cold," said Shasha. "I should go and get myself some winter clothes next month..."
"You don't have any?" asked Nina. "But surely you have some because your country has snow right?"
"Umm I live in the equator," said Shasha. "We don't have seasons there, no spring, no summer, no autumn, no winter. Just plain hot and rainy all year round."
"Oh yeah I forgot about that," said Nina. "So it's basically summer the whole year, then?"
"Yes you're right," said Shasha. "But it's much hotter than summer. The summer here is quite cold."
"Yeah I shall burn if I come there," said Steve. "I burn easily..."
They finished eating and then they decided to rest a bit before going to Yokohama.

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