chap:35|heart attack

835 99 21

Swara starts rolling her eyes and opened atlast... she got up by herself and no sunrays or something like that disturbed her sleep today... It's just her sleep is over and she woke up due to getting excess sleep...

Swara yawns keeping hands on mouth and looks at her phone's screen ,taking it from the side table, to see the time... Gosh! It's 7!!

"Waw what kinda good friends he have... Those sunny ji didn't came to irritate him" Swara murmurs underneath referring sunrays as she didn't found it peeping from the window... Actually curtains are thick and welly closed here😂..

It wasn't dark either as it's a bright morning.. Swara looks at him sleeping peacefully like a innocent baby who is yet to discover the world.. She smiles at him...suddenly she notices no pillow wall between them.. The pillows with which she build wall are all found scattered on the floor...she palmed herself imagining very successfully that how she would have kicked pillow out from bed and she is pretty sure that sanskar too would have got punched in sleep..😂😂 like palm shoot or elbow shot😂

Still she smiled seeing a man sleeping beside her without any separation... It is the trust they had...she trusts him.. She know he won't do anything like a bad boy..he is the best to her..sharing a bed with someone is not a simple is grave hard but still trust ...yes trust can make it out...

Yeah it sounds beautiful... Staying trusted waw!


"Just one sandwich will fill my tummy" Swara said walking with big big steps towards the table, entering a café..

"& you are going to college?" Sanskar asks crossing her to occupy other chair, narrowing his eyes...

"Yes...I'm already late Na .I can eat later but can't get back the missed class Na" Swara hurrily speaks ,elongating her neck to reach the  waiters eye..

"Even you can't bring back the dead body...I'm not that rich to go to God to ask your dead body back" sanskar mocks at her while she she made faces..

"I won't die if I didn't eat tummy full for one time"

"Good morning sir.. How can I help you?" A waiter greets & stands obediently beside them..

"One plate allu ki paratha & one plate chapati" sanskar orders even without asking her..

"What? No! " Swara shouts unbelievably..

'Then say your order " sanskar hides his smile...

"Sir wipe it off from your head and listen to my order...(he nods smiling) pav bhaji two plates ...2 fruitsalad with ice cream and two coffee..... Wait wait two chiccku juice" Swara rubs her palm & smiles, waiter leaves, sanskar glares her as he don't eat any of these except coffee and she knows that..

"Please today eat this Na please please ....for me at least... Please...pleash..." Swara continues pleading while long back itself he smiled deciding to eat seeing her face..

"I saw your pictures in album and you looked too craziest... & it's not any 10 years back pictures it's just 1&½ years back's...I just dreamed to see you like that... OK I know you have a solid cause to change & yeah I admit I don't know what it is & how deep it is... But still sanskar I'm sure it's not bigger than your life... You know life it is unpredictable... What should not happen,happens in life... What should happen may not happen but still everything happens for a reason... To teach you how interesting life teach you to be strong... & not to teach you to build cold wall around you so that no one can break it & get teaches things not  by words but by action but what you have to do? You have to show back how strong you are by taking it as a challenge & not by taking i's ok to change to turn positive but it's cowardness to change simply without goal .... I know whatever happened might bearable to you but sanskar trust me nothing happens which  is so unbearable so that we would die... After all our Creator is a pool of kindness" Swara explains her experience...

She And Her fate..Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin