Chapter 3 : Come in

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Nikki later left to go some where. Once she left I got the house looking nice once I was done I heard a knock on the door, I walked and opened the door. "Hey stranger is this the Brandon residents!" He had such a warm smile on his face and as much as I wanted to have a kinda jump and kiss him i reframed form that. "Yes I'm Brandon." "Nice to meet you" as he walked I closed the door behind him and we headed to the kitchen. "What a nice place you have here" he said. "Why thank you my parents wanted me to be born in a nice home but sometimes I wish it was just a simple house." He nodded at me like he understood where I was coming from . "Sometimes it's not the house that makes the home but people that love you and care about you that lives with you are the ones that make a home. "I totally agree with you." I made some lemonade and we both drunk two cups of it.

While Taylor and I was taking he didn't come off to me as a celeb, he was very grounded and humble. He always said how he felt and nothing more and nothing less, he was in a way the perfect gentleman. I said to him " you can not be real your so nice and sweet to be around and your very humble and it's almost like your not human haha." He laughed I may come off like that but I can assure you that I am only human and I like to fly under the raider in a way so that fans and crazy people can't really interfere in my life." Wow this guy is really the real deal. I have only met him today but already I feel like we are like best friends, I wonder to myself what if Taylor and I ended up becoming best friends?

Even if we did I don't think I could handle all of the things that comes with being his friend. At the same time we could be best friends instead of me being with him. Either way I'll just let everything happen naturally, I don't won't my past relationships get in my head and mess up this new experience that I'm getting from him. The lemonade was almost gone and the cookies that I made while talking to him was almost gone. "Looks like it's time for me to go." "Awh well it was fun getting to know you and here is your phone and think you for giving mines back to me." "No problem I'll tell you what if you let he have that last cookie I'll come see you more often and we can hangout." You got your self a deal " I said with a big vibrant smile on my face. We walked to the door and he gave me a hug and walked out saying bye for now. I waved until he drove out of sight.

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