Chapter 23 : You

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After that terrible week of Hector and his craziness, I started to hangout with Tyler and we have a really good time together. I feel a little weird sometimes since certain things he does taylor does and it's almost like déjà, on the plus side we laugh and just act stupid together and I don't even care really about anything when I'm around him. While I was on my way home the next day.Tyler texted me " want me to meet you at your place?" "Yeah that would be good." I walked into the house and no one was at the house or so I thought, I walked into the living room and I hear all at once a surprise! Taylor, Nikki and Tyler all threw me a birthday party and I was so busy with other stuff I forgot about today.

It was a small party and around 10 people showed up since I'm not really big on big parties. I hugged Nikki then my boyfriend and Tyler, we all danced and had fun. Halfway towards the end of the party Tyler took me by the hand and took me outside in the back. "Is everything okay?" "Yes I wanted you to have this." He gave me a dream catcher in case I had a bad dream. I thanked him and leaned in to kiss his cheek and he turned around and kissed me on the lips! Taylor walked out and saw the kiss. After I pulled away. Taylor walked up to Tyler and punched him in the face saying "I trusted you to look after him and you just kissed my boyfriend!" Then the both feel on the ground fighting. I yelled out "Taylor stop it! Get off of him!" Nikki and I got them a part.

Taylor walked back into the house. I asked Tyler "what does he means look after my boyfriend?" I looked into his eyes and I could tell he didn't want to tell me. "After you two got into it a week ago he knew that Nikki was going to maybe get you to spend the night over at my place." I started to tear up "like I'm a dog to guard I see." I walked away. "Brandon wait!" "Leave me alone I'm tired of everyone trying to shelter me!" I walked into the house with Nikki, I was very fired up to the point where I cut off the music and told everyone to leave. I saw Taylor looking worried and he tried to walk out to but I said "accept you Taylor!" We walked into a room and I pretty much told him I need time away from him and this time not to try and find me or guard me.

He understood so we mutually broke it off. The day after he moved out and back into his family's home he bought for them. I stopped talking to Tyler but he still tries to text me. For two weeks Nikki and I just hanged out. I miss Taylor but I need to let him go and in the future if we get back together then so be it...

Music to the HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon