Chapter 33 : Got u back

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Come the next day the video that Nikki and Tyler posted went viral all over the internet. It was crazy and I've had several people call me for and interview but I only picked one. I went on Ellen's show later that day. She asked me what was the whole point of that. I told her that it was a more of got u back kind of thing. I told her and the audience that I was cheated on with someone that I really loved s lot. I even told her that the whole thing was plained out once I've heard he was going to be at that club. But I didn't tell her or the audience who I was with since you really can only see me in the video.

She was telling me that Austin's new boyfriend broke up with him over that and that he still wants me back. I told her I can't be with someone that accidentally cheated on me. She understood where I was coming from and she gave me a hug since I was tearing up while I was talking about it. She gave me a book about heart break and how to cope with one.

I hugged her and then we had a fun time after that, laughing and smiling. I just wanted everyone to know how I felt about this and how much it means to me that everyone knew how I felt. Once I got a lap dance from Ellen's gardener the show was over and back stage she gave me a few more laughs and some wise words then I headed out. I got a call from a producer to make a album. They saw my story about Austin and me and they wanted me to make a album since they feel like it could get all of that pain out of at the least some of it out.

I told them yes and we scheduled a day of this week for me to go in and make some music. When I got home I told everyone be good news and they was all happy for me. I went to bed that night smiling but then my door opened up, I lifted up to look to see who was coming in and it was Tyler "sleep well." He said then he kissed my forehead and hand and closed the door and to sleep I went...

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