Chapter 4 : Over time

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Over the past three weeks Taylor and I have been hanging out, it feels great to know that him and I was on the same page but it's kinda crazy that I end up being friends with a guy that everyone wants to be with or sleep with. I'm not sure how he really feels about being friends with a gay guy or if he even cares. I do know that he invited me to come over his house and see a movie. My phone ringed and I answered" hello?" "Yeah it's Taylor the pop corn and movie is ready" "okie dokie sir I am right at your gate" "okay I'll let you right in." The gate opened up after I got off the phone, I drove into the front circle of the house, he has a nice house.

It's big but not to big and he has four rooms and it turns out that I get to spend the night over at his house, leaving Nikki at home by herself but I'm sure she will find something to do. He opened the door and hugged me while patting my back, I was so thrilled to finally come over his house. "Do you like it?" "Wow I mean yes it's a lovely home". He looked at me with a sad face but he quickly changed it, "it is isn't it." I followed him into the movie room. We sat in the middle of five rows, he passed the pop corn and we began to start the movie, after a while I got sleepy and fell right to sleep. The next morning I woke up in a nice bed, it was warm and cozy but once I looked behind me I quickly realize why. Taylor slept right beside me with his hands over my pillow as if he was watching me sleep before he ended up passing out. He ended up waking up "good morning Brandon," "good morning taylor." I was curious to ask him a question so I did "how did I get in the bed?" " I picked you up and carried you to the bed then I watched you sleep and I fell to sleep too."

I smiled at him but I quickly got rid of it. "What was with the smile?" He smirked while asking me. "I don't know what your talking about" as I laughed at him for trying to put me on the spot. We got out of bed and then made breakfast, we ended up spending the whole day together again, as the day was ending I couldn't help but feel like this guy I've been bonding with really makes me happy. I knew in order to keep my feelings from complicating my life I decided to keep my feelings to myself. It wasn't one of my best ideas but I realize Taylor needs a friend like me to help him out when he needs it instead of everyone kissing his but. Really Taylor is well rounded and humble guy but I'm just here as a bonus...

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