Chapter 24 : Free

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Me and Taylor have been over for now a month, I've become the way I was before happy and more free. It was very hot today in the 90s in California but I didn't want to go to the beach I wanted to travel but to what place? Nikki ran into my room with a "guess what?" Every time she says that it normally ends us very good. "What?" "In Miami Austin mahone is playing and we should go to it!" "Oh okay and when does his show start?" "Tomorrow night." "Well time to pack but what about the.. Tickets? Oh I got them all ready I was just waiting for a yes." That Nikki ha ha always have sow thing up her sleeve.

After only an hour we was fully packed with two bags each (in case we wanted to get into the pool or ocean). Once we got on the plane it was a 2 in a half hour trip. We touched down in Miami a little after 12 midday. We rushed straight to are hotel rooms and got out what we was going to wear for the concert. Once we got ready we walked 4 blocks to eat then we drove down the road to the concert. We had seats on the floor and right in the middle section on the very front middle row. As the concert started I just begin to dance like crazy. Me and my bestie was dancing like nobody's looking.

The concert was great and I enjoyed every bit of it. As we was about to go get into are car, Austin walked by and gave me his number and I told him "I can't." "It's okay just take it and get back at me when you can." i took it and he hugged me and then Nikki saying "thank you for coming out to my concert." "anytime" we said. We hoped in and drove off. On the way back to the hotel I had the number in my hand with his new CD. I really didn't want to force my life on him. I don't think it would work out so once we got up to the room. I texted him "look I'm sure your a nice but I'm just not looking for someone to end up being in pain over again." he texted back saying he understood and he would like me to come to the studio before I left and I can bring my friend with me.
I told him "ok."

The next day Nikki and I walked into the studio across the street from are hotel. " Thank you for coming" he said with a wink. He hugged us ,Nikki gravitated to one of his crew members. While him and I sat down, he played songs for me and I started to sing. " I like your voice it's really good." "thank you I appreciate it." "why do I feel like you have a wall up?" "Because I do, I have already been down a dark depressing state with being in love with someone and they couldn't handle a good man when they had him." " You think that would happen with me?" " I don't know and I'm not to curious to find out." He put my hand on his heart, then he pushed my head up gently up and looked into my eyes "if you look into my heart then you will know I would do everything in my power to keep you in my life until I can't do no more." he might be young but he understands a lot more then most 19 year olds but at the same time I'm 21 now but his vibe is getting to me all in a good way.

He leaned in to kiss me, the next thing I know he has his arms wrapped around me. It felt good but we surprisingly stopped at the same time. "I don't want to do this in less your all in to with having a relationship with me." "We could even go out to eat tonight to get to know each other better." "That would work for me." He walked me to the door while holding my hand. He gave me one last hug and kiss before Nikki and I left. "I'll text you later."..

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