Chapter 39 : The promise ring

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I was still stuck on the promise ring  and I didn't know what to do. If I say yes then him and I are together and if I say no then we are not. I don't really want to go back to square one with this. I don't won't me saying one thing and I do another, I just want to be happy and I happy when I'm with taylor but at the same time it's a either hit or miss or it hit it straight on with him. I just want to make sure that I make the right choice but in the real world you either make one mistake or another. You don't always get it right but when you do I hear it's just an amazing feeling.

I walked into Nikki's room. " Taylor got down on one knee and was about to give me a promise ring." "What did you say or do?" "I just told him I have to think about it." Oh my gosh Brandon sounds like you have your work cut out for you." "That's what I was thinking in my head." "What should I do?" " The only person that knows is you, think about it who knows your heart better than you?" Nikki has a point and I hate it but she is right. He has laid his heart and feelings out on the line for me and he Whats to be with me.

I think I know what I'm going to do. I walked out of the hall and ran into a wall,(Smart move on my part). I walked to Taylor's room to confess my love for him and as I opened the door. I saw him with a girl, they was just laying down all cuddled up together. " What is this!?" he raised up "Brandon look I really care about you but I was talking to Ali (they girl he's cuddled up to) for a while and I'm going to give this a try." i started to tear up in pain "so it's like that now your just going to leave. he walked up to me and held my hand but I moved it before he could touch it. " I know your hurt right now but she made a good point, we are just in two different places right now, with you and your music and me and my acting."

Him and Ali got his stuff and started down the steps. after he loaded the last bit of his bags into this car he walked up to me. "It's going to be okay I'll see you around and I'm going to miss you." He kissed my forehead and hand then he walked off." Ali came up to me "aww look at poor Brandon he has lost his Tay Tay but oh well I'm going to take good care of him since you never could." I wanted to knock her out but I held my piece. I knew she was up to no good but he wasn't going to listen to me, I know he had to figure it out his self. I can't do nothing about it now. As both of them go into the car,no cried because I knew that as log as that evil girl is with him he's never going to realize that he should be with me...

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