Chapter 34 : The album

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I started writing as soon as I got into the studio the next day. Everything just flowed from my pain and suffering. It was like a light was shining on me and I can't help but to write like crazy. By the end of the day I had made 10 tracks already and I didn't realize that I did until one of the producers came in saying "wow guy you have already made up 10 tracks." "Really?" "Yes I'm looking on it on the computer." "Well I just had ideas and went with them." "That's the best thing to do." He walked out and I kept going with she tracks.

I laid my heart and soul on this one song called "if I was yours". The song was inspired by the relationship that me and Taylor had before everything got so crazy. It's talking about that if everything was different we would be together. I have another song called "lost," it talks about how me and Austin was happy but the. He cheated on me and I got rid of him like a bad habit. All of the songs are talking about someone or some situation.

I fell like my first ever album is going to help others to know your not a lone when bad things happen to you. You always have someone that cares about you, weather you know it or not. By the next day I had 20 tracks and it was time to put everything into place. I set up the songs by how strong they felt close to my heart. I brought in Nikki, taylor and Tyler and everyone listened to all of the songs and loved them all.

Taylor knew that "if I was yours" was to him and I saw him in a deep thought when I played it. I played a song called "funny and in love" and that one was a up beat one that retains to me and Tyler's relationship, I never told him but I do have feelings for him and it just so happens that that's what the song is talking about but in a like riddle. Tyler loves it and I think he knows who and what's it's talking about.

Over all the songs were a hit now all I had to do was finalize things and presto! It's about to come out...

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