Chapter 18 : hectors challenge pt 2

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I don't know what Hector is trying to do but he needs to stop trying to get me. I don't want this all to hit the fan. I know how much he likes me after all we use to always hangout but I know taylor really cares about me. He and I just need to sit down and maybe have a talk and see if we can just be friends because I really don't need him to mess this up for me after all taylor means so much to me and I don't have time for distractions.

I sent him a text to meet at the beach near the cotton candy stand. I sat on a bench beside the stand waiting for him. Around 4 minutes after the text he came and sat down with me so a started off the conversation " look I know you still like me and I appreciate it but I'm with taylor and I care about him a lot and you and I can't be like it use to, I have a boyfriend and that's that, I know you want to be more but all I can do for you is be your friend are you okay with that?" He kissed me on the lips and said "yes we can be friends," he then got up and walked a way.

The kiss felt good and almost as strong as Taylor's but it was something thing missing in it and I don't know what it was but it felt weird and it made me feel weird and I got out and paid for a cotton candy and walked to my car. As I was about to drive off I saw a text that read (we may be friends and I know you felt something in that kiss but for now I'll lay low with your and are feelings, talk to you later Brandon :) ). So that was interesting but at least he knew to keep his feelings a way when we hangout. Taylor called and asked "how did it go?" "Great I think everything will be good now" or so I thought it was...

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