Chapter 22 : My heart

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Driving back to the house I couldn't help but think Tyler was just so fun to be around, but I needed to shake it off but I wonder since all of this crazy stuff is going no on where is my heart at? Once I asked that question I realized that it's still with Taylor. I opened the door and Taylor ran to me and lifted me up and hugged me. "I'm sorry for thinking like that I was just scared about us and people getting in are way." "Everything is fine I'm feeling better now and all is good." " I'm fine to in case anyone would like to know" said Nikki.

He grabbed my stuff and I grabbed Nikki's stuff out of the car and sat it down in the living room. I ran my stuff up to the room, I realized that I still have a paper that had Tyler posey's name and number on it. I put it into my iPhone and texted him "hey it's Brandon everything is good and thank you again for the talk last night." "He texted back with a smiley face and said no problem:)." Now that at least for now everything is going good, I decided to cuddle up to my guy and watch tv up stairs and then fall to sleep with him. He came up the steps with popcorn and strawberry smoothies from BK and we watched abduction, the movie he made a year or two ago. As built and lean taylor is he's a sweet and gentle person and he's taller than me like around 5'10 and I'm 5'5 or 5'6 in a half. In other words he's a guy that is strong and if needed he will defend what's his 6pack in all ^_^.

We laid down and I got sleepy but i stayed up until I fished my smoothie, taylor on the other hand devoured his smoothie in under a few minutes. I sat the popcorn down on my night stand and turned over to lay with him and he put his arm around me while I had my head rested on his chest. He then wrapped his foot around my foot and we ended up mangled together, but it works since I'm always cold and he's always so warm and then tonight for some unexpected reason he slept in nothing but his underwear and socks, like what kind of combination is that ha ha but that's my taylor so it's all good...

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