Chapter 5 : Feelings getting stronger

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While time goes by Taylor and I friendship gets stronger. He's even calling me his best friend but I'm not sure if I should tell him about my orientation. I've decided to talk to Nikki while he was at work, "hey Nikki I really need to talk to you asap!" "Haha I know just open your door." I opened the door and she was standing in the door frame, I hugged her and we walked into the living room and I just started to talk to her. She asked me "does he ever do something for you that makes you think he might in fact like you?" I told her yes then "but his signals can be a bit mixed and I don't know what to do about that you know? After all it's only been two in a half months." She paused for a minute then she wrote something down, once she was done she moved the paper around and it read " if you want to know where his heart is then you need to simply ask him what do he thinks about you."

I looked at her and said "no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't do that and I won't do that, I'll just let my feelings eat me up." "Brandon you can't you have to do this when he gets off from work this is the only way you can find out." The one thing I didn't want to do I might have to do it, it sucks and I have no idea what he's going to say at all. He could flip out and never talk to me again or he could be cool and not like me at all, it's so confusing but I know it have to do it . I've decided to make a dinner for the two of us (him and I) then I'll spill it.

In the mean time I just have to brace myself for what may come from this. Weather it's good or bad, news is news and it can always go either way on either side., the one thing I would hate is if he did like me but he is with someone. That would really suck for me and all of that would be for nothing. I left the house and got groceries for Taylor and I then i went to his house and cooked. I made baked chicken and biscuits and mac and cheese and mash potatoes with candy yams and a cake to boot. He is going to love it, he arrived home and we started to eat. It was very nerve wrecking for me, he smiled as he enjoyed the meal but the question is will he enjoy it after I ask him this question?..

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