Chapter 10 : Young and foolish

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After I woke up and cut on the tv, I saw new moon playing. Taylor was in the shower and as he was taken one, I couldn't help but to feel like I should tell him to take the movie. Yeah I know I will miss him very badly but I can't let him not do something that would hurt him in the long run. As happy as I was when he told me about the movie and him sounding like he wasn't going to take it, it made me realize he shouldn't do it for me he should do it for him. He got out the shower and walked in " hey stranger" he said it with such a happy face and it felt so good. "Hey taylor" I said as I laughed. He walked into the closet and put on cloths. I walked in behind him, he slung me around and pressed me up against him with his underwear on. Then he laid a kiss on my lips.

"Wow that kiss was just wow" I said with such happiness. " would you like another?" He said as he was smiling. " I can't I have to talk to you about something." He stared at me like he was worried I had very very bad news to say, the thing is to me what I had to say felt like it was bad news that I had to say. As much as I care and love Taylor I know that I want him to be happy and as long as he is happy I will be happy. "I think you should take the movie gig but listen, the main reason that I feel like you should take it is not because of me being young and foolish but I want you to do what makes you happy and I don't won't to get in the way of that." He looked at me for a minute then he finished putting on the rest of his cloths. I couldn't tell if he was happy with what I said or mad. He wanted me to walked downstairs with him, we walked into the kitchen and I saw what I thought was a script for a movie.

He looked at me with a blank face and then he held up the script and said "I pick you" he set the script on fire and threw it in to a trash can. I couldn't believe what he just did, why would someone what has every opportunity in the world to do sow thing that would make them way more money than anything just walk away from a movie? "I know that look on your face, it's the same look on your face when I first saw the script at my door step." "I know that we have only known each other for a few months or so but I feel like I've known you my whole entire life." "But I have to tell you something." I was so worried that my hands started to sweat. "What is it?" " my ex is back in town and me and her have been hanging out". My heart at that point just broke in to a thousand micro parts. I was crushed and heart broken, did I really let a celeb break my heart???

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