Chapter 29 : California

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As I flew I was thinking about the sweet thing Austin did and how much it meant to me that he really cared. I was happy that he's mine and I'm his, I feel like everything is finally getting back good for me. After my taylor and Tyler issues along with Hector, I thought I had lost my hope but I feel it's back and better than ever. Finally we touched down, I couldn't wait to get home and enjoy my rest. I was thinking that Nikki was going to waiting for me once I get off the plane but instead as I come around the corner I see taylor smiling at me. I did a dead stop right at the end of the terminal. I cut on my phone

as I was about to call Nikki and she why didn't she get me instead if him. All of his text came up saying Nikki let him come get me since she was in a meeting. I walked up to him and simply said " I just want to go home." He nodded and we walked to the car and got in. He was happy to see me but as for me In my mind I was screaming at the top of my lungs to why am I in the car with this guy. We arrived at the house, I got out ran up the steps with my stuff and ran into the room and feel to sleep. I woke up and he was right beside me. "What are you doing?" "Laying down beside you." I looked at him with a blank face. "Okay I'll go and sleep in the guest room but I will win you back, I'm determined to do so so I can show you how much I want things to work for us."

On the outside I was looking with and intense face but on the inside I kinda had a grin on my face. Austin texted me "hey baby I'm already missing you so much." "I miss you too, boo!" We just went on about how we both missed each other until I got sleepy and he was feeling jet lagged. We told each other goodnight and I feel to sleep...

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