Chapter 40 : Music to the heart

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The next day I was in such a depression I didn't want to go to work. If I was to sing about this it would just break out in tears. I can't do it not today so I turned on pandora and just drowned myself in music. It made me feel better but I know that I wanted him to come back and love me. Ali I should of saw coming and she doesn't even want him, she's just with him because he's taylor Lautner and I've been with him. That's typical of Ali to come one and try to divide two people, she's been like this since 6th grade and still going strong with her drama. As for taylor I don't know what she said to him or did but he's fixed on her and I don't like it but I can't do nothing about it.

After she plays out he might realize a lot more but for now that's up to him, if he wants to be with her then he can go on and it wouldn't matter to me. Now that I've cheered myself up I'm going to go into work and not worry about any of this stuff. Well after about 2 in a half hours Nikki found out what happened and I just filled her in. Later that night Tyler took me out to eat.

I didn't really eat much but still it was good. I know he try to cheer me up and it worked the three of us all chilled out at the house. I was in the kitchen making hot chocolate and Nikki and Tyler was watching tv in the other room. I sat down with the drinks and we all had fun that night laughing and enjoying each other...

If your enjoying the story feel free to read Music to the heart part2 :)

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