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I walk up to my friends who're waiting for their class to start, but I see him... you're not saying he's friends with my friends right?
He didn't tell my friend about my secret right?

'Hey, dude!' Daren greets him and Devan follows with an 'Ey Ted!' That's about as much energy as normal so I guess nothing is wrong.

'Hi, mister Wood.' 'Hey,' I respond, 'I just need to use the bathroom real quick, sorry I'll be right back.'
'You have the blather of a pregnant woman!' 'Thanks, Keith!'

In the bathroom, I quickly drink the bag of plasma and wash my hands to make it look like I used the toilet if anyone walks in.

'Enjoyed your Plasma? Blood must taste way better,' I notice someone whisper in my ear. 'What the..' His hands wraps around my neck dangerously.
'Didn't you hear me follow you? I thought you were supposed to have super hearing or something.'

He pulls me closer by my neck.

'What do you want from me?' I ask him annoyed, yet scared he'll choke me right now. 'You're drinking way too loud, if someone walks in it's so easy to hear.' 'So? Who says I wasn't drinking water and besides no one else has said anything about it.'

He smirks, lets go of my neck and all I want to do is punch him right in his nose.

'Dude chill, just giving you a free tip, no reason to look so hostile.'
'Do you think I trust you after what happened yesterday?'
'I think you should because I know your secret. Let's go to class,' he says with a grin.

'You're so..' 'So what? So handsome?' 'What?' 'I don't know couldn't think of anything else,' he says laughing, it's not fake laughing though... I think.
'So you said handsome?' I ask.
'I don't know dude.'

I start laughing, wait... I can't laugh.. he's going to kill me eventually.

'I can cross that one of my bucket lists.' 'What?' 'Making a bloodsucking creature laugh, I tried it with a mosquito but it didn't quite work.'
'Are you comparing me with a mosquito?' I ask offended. 'Well a mosquito is easier to kill but... I'm joking let's go.'

I hope that that was a joke.

We end up sitting in the classroom way too early.
I keep walking around school in fear but
nothing happens until the last lesson, biology.

'So you get to work on the project now since it needs to be done next week.'
I raise my hand. 'Yes?'
'We're already done.'
I see people look confused because I said "we"
'Can you prove that?' 'Yes.'

I walk up to her and show her pictures of the complete project.

'Are you done after this lesson?' 'Yes.' 'Well since it's Friday, you two can go home, I will have something for you to do next time. Have a nice weekend!' 'Thank you, miss!'

We walk out of the classroom and I walk away as fast as possible to get to my locker.

'Not so fast mister Wood,' says Josh while walking next to me at the same speed. I sigh and stop at my locker but as soon as I open it he pushes it close again.

'Don't be a bully, I already need to deal with a class full of them,' I say with a fake smile. 'I'm the new kid you're supposed to tell me how awesome the class is and how everyone gets along you know... That kind of bullshit.'
'Changed school before?'
'Way too many times, but I will stay here for a while,' he says with a grin.

'Is that a bad or a good thing for me?' 'You will find out, any way you're coming home with me today.' 'I'm sorry?'
'I already spoke with your mom about it, didn't see the extra drinks and food in your bag?'

I look inside my bag and see that this is indeed the case.

'Why are you like this?'
'I just need to explain some stuff I can't talk about here.'

I sigh and get the stuff I need and my coat.


'I didn't know I would get you to my place this easily.' 'Well, you're going to kill me one way or the other.'

I sit down on his couch and put my glasses away since they irritate me and he knows I don't need them.

'You should drink your "plants". Biting me wouldn't end well for you,' he says as he throws one plasma pack at me.
'Were you going through my bag?'

I sigh and start drinking it.

'Who says I didn't poison that?'
'Well did you?' 'No but who says.'
'As I said earlier.. you will kill me,' I state.

I feel a drop going down my lips so I try to lick to catch it before it reaches my chin. Causing me to open my mouth slightly.

'Nice fangs.' 'Sorry?'
'Your fangs, let me see them.'

He walks towards me, sits on his knees on my lap. Wrapping his hand around my chin to tilt my head upwards.

'You're weird..' 'Shh.. open your mouth.'

I roll my eyes and do what he says, I can better listen since I'm in his house.
He holds one of my two fangs carefully in his fingers and simply slides down to the tip.

'Fuck!' I laugh at him.
'I didn't know they would be this sharp.' 'How? You have been close to vampires.' 'I usually get the job done easily and move on to the next one, I've never been this close to one nor bitten,' he says as he starts looking at my fangs again.

'You're a cold heart killer,' I murmur.
'I'm not calling you a monster so you're not calling me a killer,' he says a bit angry. 'Sor...' 'Don't apologize, anyway I've never even met a vampire around my age and I don't want to bring you down but you're really...' 'Weak,' I interrupt him to finish his sentence.

He keeps staring at my fangs and shifting eye colour because he keeps moving his finger coated in blood before my nose.

'Dude, I'm not a circus get off me,' I say as I push him off gently.
'Sorry, I'm used to getting attacked so... I'm taking my changes,' he says with a laugh, 'You're not weak by the way.' 'What did you want to say then?' 'Special.' I laugh at him. 'No really, you are. Your fangs are perfectly symmetrical and I've never seen a vampire with your eye colour, like the colour when you smell blood. That blood-red colour... beautiful.'

'Don't try to tell me I'm not weak, I know I am I can't even fly!' I say as I continue drinking the plasma pack since I wasn't finished yet and his blood triggered my thirst.
'Telling your hunter you can't fly isn't smart.' 'I don't care anymore, I wish they had taken me instead of my dad, I can't keep the reputation of my family name high,' I whisper holding back tears. 'What's wrong?'
'I'm letting my dad down, I should have been the new strongest vampire, one who could survive every attack. Yet I'm sitting in the living room of hunter's house. I'm a joke Josh a fucking joke!'

'Come here.'

I shouldn't be doing this, I shouldn't be talking with my hunter, I shouldn't let him touch him but yet, I'm hugging him.

'I'm sure you're going to be a strong vampire one day, okay.'
'No, because you will kill me.'
'Stop saying I will kill you, if I wanted to do it fast there would be a, you know, object right in your heart now.'

I lay my head down on the back of the couch and lookup. His hand was still placed on my heart after he moved it there after his statement.

'Why have you changed school so many times?' I decide to ask to change the subject and focus on something else. 'Once there aren't any victims left in a city you move to the next one.'
'So when you said you are staying here for a while it's a good thing for me?' 'Depends on how many vampires are here for me to kill,' he responds with a suspicious grin.

'Since you're here without any family I guess not much.'
'I can't answer that for you, bat.'
'Can't you just tell me when you're going to kill me? I could tell my mom and friends I will be leaving and take proper goodbye and..' 'And then actually leave the country, chill out dude I'm not heartless.'

Originally published on: 3/3/20
Rewritten on: 24/3/22

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