Chapter 2.

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I wake up and feel the chains attached at my feet burn me "son of a!" A girl around my age laughs nervously "language!" I look over and smile "sorry." She nods towards the chain and smiles "too tight?" I nod and try pull it "no use doing that." I get it off the wall and smile "how did you?" I smirk and take the whole thing off my leg "I work out?" She rolls her eyes and looks in the direction behind her "what have you brought with you?" She moves and I see a boy smiling "I'm not sure." I look into his eyes and smile "you are the wolf from the basement?" He nods and stands up "I'm Leon and this is my twin sister Melissa." I walk towards him and smile "Misty." I grab his chains and break them "where are we?" I walk towards the girl and break hers "we all call it the wolf jail." I look around and shrug "we?" She nods towards the door and smiles "there are others." I walk towards the door and shrug "so let's get them all and get out of here?" She laughs sarcastically and shakes her head "you are not a normal werewolf are you?" I touch the burning door and pull it open "no." I smile and shake my head "I'm a hybrid."

I walk out the door and see another 12 with more werewolves behind them. Melissa and Leon follow me out "wait, what?" I open the other doors and nod "get them out of here and I will keep look out?" Melissa looks into the chambers and nods "ok." I nod and run towards a big red door at the end of the chambers and open it "ouch!" The wolfbane burns my hand making me bleed but I still manage to open it and look out "come on!" Melissa walks towards me with at least 40 other werewolves "who are all these people?" She looks at them and smiles "the Maudite pack." I walk up the stairs and shake my head "the what?" She smiles and follows me "the Maudite?" I open the door at the top of the stairs and quickly move Melissa out the way and catch a bottle filled with wolfsbane as It falls from the top of the door before it smashes "thank you." The wolfsbane runs down my arm and I smile "no problem." I stick the bottle in the corner and nod "let's go."

I walk down the hallway and see my bag on top of the table by the front door "I will have that back thank you!" I open the front door and roll my eyes "you again?" I smirk and stand in front of Melissa as the man from earlier stands in front of us holding a shotgun "going somewhere?"  I roll my eyes and nod "yes, away from here." I move forward and shrug "so move or next time I won't ask so nicely." He holds the gun up aims it at us "I don't think so." He fires the bullet filled with wolfsbane and I catch it and smirk "I don't think so." I change my eyes to red and the man looks scared and shakes his head "what are you?" I smile and shrug "I'm your worst nightmare!" He runs away and I smile "let's go."

I spot two vans parked up and nod at Melissa "can you drive?" She shakes her head and looks towards a woman beside her "no but Shelby can." I look at the woman and nod "I will follow you back then? I don't know where I am going?" She nods and looks at the rest of the wolfs "get in the vans!" They all run towards the vans and open the doors "yous can come with me and tell me more about what happened tonight?" They nod and smile "ok." I smile and take a deep breath "let's go."

I walk towards the other van and get into the driver side and Melissa and Leon get into the passenger sides beside me "everyone ready?" I look at the back of the van and they all nod "close the doors." The doors close and I nod towards Shelby in the other van and start following her and she starts driving. I look at Melissa and shrug "well?" She takes a deep breath and looks at the people in the back "the people holding us hostage are called wolfjager. They are werewolf hunters originally from Germany who have searched the whole world for werewolves and unfortunately for the Maudite pack it wasn't as easy to hide their true form." I shake my head and laugh nervously "the Maudite pack? What is that?" She smirks and nods "you never learned about the different kinds of werewolves?" I shake my head and smile "only the black demon." She chokes and shakes her head "the black demon?!" I nod and smirk "yeah, why?" She looks at Leon and shakes her head "we thought he was made up?" I smile and scoff "he killed my mum so now I'm here looking for him so I can kill him." She looks around and laughs nervously "here? He is in Paris?" I nod and look at the sun "I followed him to that house back there. That is how I found it." She locks the door and laughs nervously and does her seatbelt "oh boy." I smile and shake my head "it's ok you are safe. I have the only thing that can kill it and I plan on using it the first chance I get.

I follow the other van into the woods "where are we?" Melissa looks around and smiles "the outback." After a few miles in the van stops and the woman gets out "guess this is us?" I get out the van and open the back of it letting everyone out. I walk towards Melissa "well I should go." She looks at Leon and nods "can you give us a lift into Paris Centre?" I nod and smile "of course." I get back into the van and close the door "wait!" I roll the window down when Shelby runs over towards us "we want to thank you." I smile and look around "it's my pleasure, just stay safe ok?" She nods and looks around "we will." I hear a loud howl and look towards a wolf running towards us "who is that?" Shelby looks over and smiles "that is our alpha." The wolf transform into a beautiful man and I can't help but blush and smile "but he looks my age?" Shelby smiles and nods "he is but he is the best of the best."

He walks towards us and looks at me with a serious face "who are they?" Shelby smiles and taps his shirtless back "they helped us escape so be nice." She walks away and waves "thanks Misty." I smile and wave "bye Shelby!" he looks me up and down and smiles "I guess I should thank you?" I smile and nod "it was no problem." He holds his hand out and I smile and shake it "ouch!" He moves his back away and shakes it "you are covered in wolfsbane?" I look at my hand with dry blood and wolfsbane on it "I know." He raises his eyebrow and walks towards me "what are you?" I smirk and roll my window up before driving off.

The Wolf Within; The Hybrid AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now