Chapter 20.

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As I start telling Hades everything that happened last night I didn't realise Leon walking in "so when are you leaving?" I shrug and smile softly "I'm not sure." I take a deep breath and look at him "but like you said, the black demon wolf has moved on so that will be my new location." Leon laughs sarcastically making me jump "so you are just going to leave or are you going to say goodbye?!" I look over and shake my head "Leon?" He shakes his head and opens the door "got it." He walks out and disappears out the front door before I can get out Hades bedroom door. "Let him cool down!" I look at hades and nod "I'm going to get dressed for breakfast with Melissa." He nods and stands up "Misty?" I look at him and smile "yeah?" He hugs me and takes a deep breath "anything you need just ask, ok?" I smile and nod "thank you." I walk towards my bedroom and close the door behind me.

I finish getting dressed when I hear a howl from outside "Leon?!" I run towards the window and see Nik "oh no!" I run downstairs and close the front door behind me "what are you doing here?!" He smirks and looks me up and down "I heard about last night." I shrug and stop a few feet away from him "and?" He smirks and walks towards me "wanted to see how gutted you was for myself." I smirk and nod "what did you hear exactly?" He raises his eyebrow and smirks "that my brother finally came too his senses and left you in the middle off a date?" I smile sarcastically and shake my head "well I must have something on him because he came to my rescue and drove me home ending my night with a kiss." His face drops and with the anger in his eyes I knew he was going to do something so I had to act fast if I didn't want to be kidnapped again. He looks towards the side and before I could follow his eyes he gets tackled to the ground "Leon?" I watch as Leon pins him down in wolf form "what are you doing?" He snaps at Nik's face missing it with an inch before letting him go. "Get that idiot away from me!" Leon walks towards my side and growls at Nik "this isn't over!" Nik transforms into wolf form before running into the woods.

I look at Leon and shake my head "I can't believe you just done that?!" He huffs before heading into the house. I look towards the woods and take a deep breath "can't wait for Joe too come after me again!" I look towards the house and see Melissa walk out "no wolf's inside Leon!" She looks at me and smiles "what have I missed?" I laugh nervously and wrap my arm around hers "let's get food and I will fill you in?" She smiles and opens her car "sounds like a plan." I get into the passenger side and she flicks through the GPS "where do you want to eat?" I shrug and look out the window "you pick." She smiles and clicks on one "are you ok?" I look at her and smile "just can't wait for all this drama too be over with." She squeezes my hand and smiles "I got you girl." I squeeze her hand back and smile "right back at you." She smiles and nods "now let's get food." I stick my belt on and nod "I couldn't agree more!"

We get too the café and order food then spend the next 10 seconds looking at each other awkwardly "so?" She laughs sarcastically and nods "so he was cute and I had sex." She smiles and shrugs "your turn!" I roll my eyes and lean back "I told Hades about last night including me telling Nik I was leaving and Leon overheard and didn't take it well." She rolls her eyes and scoffs "Leon for you." I smile and nod "well I got dressed and saw Nik outside." She gasps and leans forward "he showed up at the house?" I nod and smile "he heard about my date but didn't know the bit where Nik actually came back for me and took me home but I told him just before Leon attacked him." She laughs nervously and shakes her head "wait, what?!" I smile and lean back "Nik came back for me last night as I left the club and helped me get rid of a douche from the club before driving me home."

The waitress walks over with our drinks "and?" I laugh nervously and sip on my straw "and we kissed." She raises her eyebrow and smirks "yous kissed?!" I look around embarrassed and nod "shhh!" I nod and lean forward "we kissed, twice." She drinks her cola and smiles "your night sounds better than mine!" I smile and shrug "so you not going too text that boy?" She shakes her head and smiles "he was sweet but I can tell he has too much baggage." I smile and raise my eyebrow "you stalked his social media didn't you?" he smirks and shrug "maybe? "I roll my eyes and laugh nervously "so what did you find out?" The waitress walks back over with our food as Melissa fills me in about the boy from last night. As I start eating it and listen to her telling me the story I drift off after a minute or two and get the image off Nik kissing me passingly last night and it makes me gin like the Cheshire cat. "Hello?!" I jump and smile "sorry." I shake my head and look at her "so?" I smile and nod "what?" She shrugs and looks at my phone "what are you wearing to the wedding tonight?" I look at my phone and see a text from Nik "are you still on for the wedding tonight?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "I forgot all about it!" She smirks and eats the rest of her breakfast "so can we go shopping?"

The Wolf Within; The Hybrid AlphaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat