Chapter 42.

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I grab his arm and walk out of sight from the booth "what are you doing here?!" He grins and looks into my eyes "I had to see you again?" I shake my head and scoff "what?" He nods and takes a beer from the bartender "I know you just lost someone you love and all that but when I was with you earlier I felt something and I think you felt it too?" I shake my head and look towards the bartender "shot please." He nods and I laugh nervously as I look at Harrison "and make it the strongest one you got."

I look at Harrison and I knew some part of what he was saying was right. He looked exactly like Ethan so of course I was attracted to him but I knew he wasn't the same person. Ethan was a kind-hearted soul and with Harrison I felt something evil about him, maybe the fact that he has been trying to kill me my full life and he killed my soulmate and my friend. I take a deep breath and shake my head "I can't do this." I nod towards the table and laugh nervously "Ethan's brother and Leon's sister are over there right now and if they know you was the black demon wolf then believe me you wouldn't want to stay around to see what they do." I take the shot and nod at the bartender "another?" He smiles and nods "coming right up." I look Harrison up and down and scoff "and it doesn't help that you look exactly like Ethan and making Caleb think he is seeing things?" He looks towards the table and nods "I understand." He drinks his beer in one go and smiles "I will leave." I pick up my shot and nod "that is probably for the best." He steps away but stops and looks back at me "I think you have some explaining to do?" I raise my eyebrow and follow his eyes "why?" I see Melissa standing looking at us "what is going on?" I laugh nervously and look towards the floor "I can explain?"

Melissa laughs nervously and looks towards Caleb "but you died? I saw your body get took away for myself?" She looks at me and shakes her head "right?" I nod and smile "yeah Ethan is dead." She laughs nervously and touches Harrison "but he is right here?" She looks towards Caleb and nod "oh wait!" She looks back at Harrison and smiles "you must be Grayson?" Harrison looks at me and raises his eyebrow "who?" I roll my eyes and look at Melissa "Melissa this is Harrison." She smiles and looks at me "I didn't know they was triplets?" I shake my head and look at the floor "they aren't." I look at Harrison and nod "Harrison is or was at least." I look at Melissa and nod "don't freak out or nothing until you hear the full story ok?" She raises her eyebrow and nods "ok?" I look at Harrison and nod "he was possessed by the black demon wolf." She laughs nervously and looks Harrison up and down "what?" Harrison nods and smiles softly "I am so sorry for your loss." Melissa steps back and shakes her head "your joking, right?" She looks at me and looks me up and down "he killed Leon? And Ethan?" I step forward and shake my head "in a way yes but he was possessed." She shakes her head and scoffs "I don't believe this?" She looks towards Caleb and nods "Caleb!" I look at Harrison and nod "run!"

Harrison runs out the door and as I watch him running out I can't help but feel like I was saying goodbye to Ethan one last time. "What?" I look at Melissa and shake my head "please just let me explain?" She scoffs and shrugs her shoulders "there is nothing you could say to make this ok." She looks at Caleb and smiles "I'm sorry." She walks towards the table and grabs her bag before running out the door. "What have I missed?" I look towards the backdoor that Harrison ran out and take a deep breath "we should sit down with a few shots for this story." He nods and smiles "ok?" I look towards the bartender and smile "some shots when your ready?" He nods and smiles "I will bring them over." I smile and nod "thank you." I look at Caleb and take a deep breath "let's go." I walk towards the table and he follows behind.

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