Chapter 11.

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I land on my feet and smirk as I stand up "sorry boys but I have other places to be and other creatures to kill, nothing personal." I look up the broken window and see the two men standing their "it was fun and all but I'm bored so party is over." I start running through the woods and towards the sound of cars. I eventually reach the road and look down both ways "what way should I go?" I close my eyes and take a deep breath. After a few seconds I hear people talking "left it is." I smile and open my eyes as I begin to walk down the road.

After a few meters I hear footsteps running and I see a torch "bingo!" I start running until I reach a small town. With all the windows and doors border up in each house the place looked like a ghost town "hello?" I walk around and shake my head "anyone home?" I hear a howl from a distance making me jump "oh no!" I run through the town and spot a barn with a hole in the door so I start to run towards it. I look around before entering the hole in the barn. I hear another howl so I hide behind the door and take a deep breath.

After a few minutes I look through the hole and see a shadow running through the side of the building "ok. It's now or never." I stand up and take a deep breath "I can do this." I kick the barn door open and look towards the half moon "please work." I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I listen to the surroundings around me. I smile and open my eyes when I hear the wolf running "there you are!" I run towards it and stop when I see it standing in front of me growling. I smirk and nod "let's end this!"

I hear a woman scream and look towards the noise and see a woman standing covered in blood "are you ok?" I look back towards the black demon wolf but he disappears. I shake my head and look back towards the woman and see her fall to the ground holding her neck. I run towards her and shake my head "are you ok?" She looks towards the woods and nods "vampire." Her eyes close and I listen as her heartbeat stops. I look towards the woods and stand up "did she say vampire?" I look back towards her neck and see two teeth marks "oh no." I run towards the woods and after the vampire.

I feel someone grab onto me and pull me with them as we roll down a hill "stop chasing me!" I look up and see a woman with blood on her hands and t-shirt "why did you attack that woman?" She wipes her mouth and shrugs "I'm a vampire? I was hungry. What is with the questions?" I shake my head and stand up "but she was an innocent woman?" she rolls her eyes and scoffs "she knows the rules. Who even are you?" I walk towards her and shake my head "I'm Misty. What rules? Is that why the town is empty?" She rolls her eyes and steps towards me "listen." She looks me up and down and shrugs "Misty? Well I'm Amy." She smirks and shakes her head "the town know the rules about staying indoors at night. It's not my fault little miss Wonder decided to break the rules and get herself killed. She is lucky it was me that got her and not the wolf because he would have done a lot worse than me." A howl echoes through the woods making her jump "that is my que to go." She runs through the woods again in the opposite way from the howl. "Wait!"

I run after her and she leads me to a cave at the top of a hill "what are you doing here?" She shakes her head and walks towards me "you need to leave, now!" I look around and shake my head "not until you tell me what is going on." A little girl walks out from the darkness holding a teddy bear "mum?" The woman looks at her and smiles "it's ok sweetheart." She cuddles the little girl and smiles "if your staying then you best come in." She moves a large rock and I look over and see an entrance "where?" She rolls her eyes and walks into the entrance "just hurry up before he finds us." Another howl echoes and I nod "ok but I want to know everything you know?" She nods and looks towards the woods "fine. Just get in!" I nod and get inside and she follows me closing and sealing it back up with the large rock.

I follow her into the cave and I see 8 other women with small kids "wow!" The woman places 9 bottles of blood down and smiles "drink up." The 8 women take a bottle each and walks towards their kids "what is this?" She walks towards me and smiles "it's my family." I shake my head and watch as the woman give the kids blood then themselves "so yous hide here from the wolf?" She nods and smiles "the wolf kill all our husbands since it came to town so we have had to hide out here ever since." She takes the other bottle and sits down "so that's why you killed the woman? For her blood?" She nods and takes a sip "it's a eat or be eaten world out there and I only done what I had to for my family." The little girl with the teddy runs over to her and smiles "can we go to the pool?" She nods and smiles "ok but take Alisha with you!" An older girl walks over and scoffs "why me?!" The woman smirks and hands her the bottle of blood "because you need to look after your little sister." She takes the bottle and walks after the girls that have already ran down the other side of the cave.

I look at the woman and shake my head "so why is the village down there like a ghost town?" She looks towards a woman folding clothes "." I take a deep breath and nod firmly "and that woman broke the deal?" She nods and smiles "I didn't get to her first, the wolf did but he only scratched her and left her bleeding." I look towards the floor and scoff "and you smelled her blood?" She nods and smiles "like I said, I do what I do for my family."

She stands up and walks towards the beds "so what are you?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "little bit of everything?" She smirks and nods "I can smell it." I walk towards her and help her make the bed "I'm a hybrid." She scoffs and shakes her head "I thought they didn't exist?" I smile and nod "I didn't know werewolf's and vampires existed until a few months ago." She smirks and nods "so what happened?" I shrug and smile "fell in love and realised he was a werewolf then died with vampire blood in my while bonding." She smiles softly and shrugs "and how have you found it?" I shrug and laugh nervously "interesting." I place the pillow on the freshly made bed and move onto the next one.

The Wolf Within; The Hybrid AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now