Chapter 4.

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The next morning I wake up feeling fresh as a daisy. I roll over and grab the book Hades gave me last night and start reading it "let's see what this is about then." I read the first three chapters and stop when someone knocks on the door "Misty? You awake?!" I look up and smile "yeah!" Hades walks in and smiles "reading this book" He nods towards the book and smiles "yeah." He shrugs and walks toward me "find anything interesting?" I look at it and shrug "I knew most of the stuff in here but I am surprised at how much I didn't." I laugh sarcastically and shrug "my life is at ease knowing the black demon wolf can't kill the werewolf I bonded with." He smiles and walks towards me "who did you bond with?" I laugh nervously and stick the book back on my bedside table "that's a story I would rather not get into." He nods and smiles "ended badly?" I shrug and stand up "you could say that." I look towards the book and shrug "who wrote this book? It doesn't say?" He laughs nervously and shakes his head "I'm not sure but I can find out?" I smile and nod "yes please. I would like to know how they know so much and if there is anything else they know that is not in the book." He smiles and nods "I will try get in contact with them and let you know." He walks towards the door and smiles "oh and breakfast is downstairs if you are hungry?"

I stand up and smile "always." I head downstairs and into the kitchen "morning!" I smile at Melissa and Leon as they read a newspaper "morning." They smile back at me before looking back at the newspaper "I'm thinking of going into town later?" Melissa smiles and looks up "what for?" I grab a bottle of water and shrug "few drinks? Want to come?" She sticks the newspaper down and nods "always!" I look at Leon and smile "what about you?" He laughs nervously and shrugs "me?!" I smile and nod "yeah." He smiles and sticks his newspaper down "sure!" He stands up and smiles "I should go!" He runs off out the kitchen and upstairs "someone's a little excited?" Melissa smiles and nods "no one really speaks to us never mind invite us places." I smile and sit down "well that is their loss."

I finish eating breakfast and head back upstairs and into the room with Melissa "so what are you planning on wearing?" I look at my handbag and laugh nervously "I'm not sure yet. I need to go shopping." She smiles and nods "is that all you have with you?" I nod and laugh nervously "yip." She rolls her eyes and stands up "let me see if I can find anything." She walks towards the door and leaves closing it behind her. I grab the book Hades gave me and read the rest of it for the next hour before grabbing my my handbag and take my tablet out "let's see where you are." I search for black wolf sightings and come across an article about a black wolf being 200 miles away from Paris in the early hours that day and smile "looks like it's coming here." I stick the tablet back in my handbag and get up "hey!" I turn around and see Melissa standing at the door holding a bag "can I come in?" I smile and nod "yeah." She walks in and sticks the bag on my bed "I got a few bits of clothing for you." She looks at my handbag and laughs nervously "since you don't have any and I cannot let you go out in that tonight!" She raises her eyebrow and looks me up and down. I smile and look through the bag "thank you!" I hug her and smile "now I can take a night off from this demon wolf and actually let my hair down for the first time in forever!" She smiles and walks towards the door "I can't wait!" I smile and grab an outfit from the pile of clothes "me too."

Later that day I come out the bathroom in my bathrobe and laugh nervously as I bump into Leon "sorry!" He laughs nervously and moves to the side "my bad." I walk back towards my room and close the door behind me "god!" I take a deep breath and walk towards the bed and pick up the makeup bag Melissa left me and start getting ready. "Misty?" I turn around and face the door "come in!" hades comes in and closes the door behind him "can I have a word?" I stick the makeup brush down and nod "yeah?" He sits down and smiles "I heard you are taking the twins out?" I nod and laugh nervously "is that ok?" he nods and smiles "of course!" He laughs nervously and takes a deep breath "they are socially awkward so can you just keep an eye on them?" I smile and nod "of course." He stands up and taps my back "thank you." He walks towards the door and closes it behind him and I continue to get ready.

I walk towards the bedroom door and open it as Leon walks down the hallway "wow!" He smiles and looks at me "you look nice." I laugh nervously and smile "thanks." I look at him and shrug "you shrub up not bad yourself!" Melissa walks down the hallway and smiles "ready?" I nod and smile "yeah." I follow her down the hallway and down the stairs. Hades smiles at the bottom of the stairs and shakes his head "well don't yous three look amazing." Melissa rolls her eyes and scoffs "I always look amazing." He smiles and hands her money "need a lift?" She looks at me and I nod "sure!" He smiles and nods "let me just grab my car keys." He walks into the kitchen and I follow Melissa out the front door and into the car parked outside. "You kids ready?" Hades gets in the front with Leon and we all nod "yes!" He nods and laughs softly "let's go then."

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