Chapter 12.

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We sit down and Amy hands me a bowl of soup "I'm not sure what you eat so have this?" I take it and smile "thank you." I place it down too cool down and look at her "I might be able to help with your wolf problem." She smirks and shakes her head "how?" I laugh nervously and pull my sleeve up "I'm the red shield and the wolf I saw earlier is the wolf I have been hunting for the last few weeks." She smiles and looks at my tattoo "really?" I nod and pull my sleeve down "I can get it away from town and let yous get out from hiding?" She hugs me and takes a deep breath "that would be amazing!" I take the soup and give her it "but you need to promise to do something about the village? Times have changed from 100 years ago and it's not nice letting they innocent people live in fear." She nods and smiles "we know. We used to get on but since the wolf came we got desperate." I take a deep breath and nod "it might be best to start somewhere new?" She shakes her head and stands up "this is our home. We will speak to the towns leader." I nod and wave "I'm going to go before my friends get more worried but I will make sure the wolf leaves." She hugs me and nods "thank you!"

I walk through the woods and stop when I hear a car "road?" I smile and run towards it "Misty?!" I look around and see Joe "you!" I run towards him and punch him "stay away from me!" He shakes his head and wipes his face "I'm Nik." I laugh nervously and shake my head "oh, sorry!" He smiles and looks me up and down "are you ok?" I nod and take a deep breath "no thanks to your brother!" He smiles nervously and nods "I know, I'm sorry." He nods down the road and I see a car "want a ride back?" I raise my eyebrows and scoffs "are you going to kidnap me?" He smirks and shakes his head "no." He goes into his pocket and gets his phone "we can ring Melissa on the way back?" I nod and take the phone "ok but try anything funny and I will kill you." He nods and walks towards the car "noted."

I get into the passenger side and dial Melissa's number "did you find her?" I smile and nod "yes he found me." She takes a deep breath and smiles "thank god you're ok!" I look at Nik and smile "I am fine now." I hang up and hand him his phone back "where are you taking me?" I look around and shake my head "this isn't the way to the house?" He nods and smiles "I know. I'm taking you for food." I shake my head and laugh nervously "not going to kidnap me are you?" He bites his bottom him and smirks "would that be so bad?" I roll my eyes and pull the mirror down and start fixing my hair "I guess you are the better twin." He smirks and starts the car "I know."

We arrive at a burger van and I look at the sky "the rain is starting." I look at the window as the rain runs down it and take a deep breath "I got you." He smirks and reaches into the back seat and gets an umbrella "let's go." I take the umbrella and head outside sticking it up. Nik runs over towards me and joins me under the umbrella and smiles "ready?" I nod and follow him towards the burger van where we are greeted by two older women. The smile at us as we immediately reach the van "hey Nikki!" The redheaded woman smiles and waves "usual?" He nods and looks at me "what do you want?" I look at the menu and smile "just a cheeseburger and chips please." The other woman nods and starts doing the food.

"Where have you been hiding?" Nik laughs nervously and looks towards the ground "I got distracted sorry." The redhead woman looks at me and smirks "I can see that." I blush and look towards the ground "it's not me." The woman raises her eyebrow and smirks "ohhh?" Nik shrugs and smiles "long story." She hands him a bag with food and smiles "I can't wait to hear all about it next Friday." She shrugs and smiles "you still are coming?" He nods and takes the bag "off course." He looks at me and smiles "we will be there." I laugh nervously and smile at her as she looks at me shocked. I look at Nik and raise my eyebrows "let's go."

He waves as we walk back towards the car and get inside. I laugh nervously and shake my head "who is she?" He smiles and hands me my food "a friend off my dad's." I open my burger box and smile "and what is happening next Friday?" He smiles and nods "my aunt is getting married so all the family are coming from all over for a get together." I laugh nervously and eat into my burger "and now I need to come? Where Joe will be?" He smiles and nods "I won't let him hurt you." He bites into his burger and winks "trust me." I take a deep breath and laugh nervously "let's hope so for his sake."

The Wolf Within; The Hybrid AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now