Chapter 9.

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We head back too Melissa's and run inside "now what?" I look at Melissa and give her a reassuring smile "now we wait." I head upstairs and see Leon looking out the window at the end of the hallway "hi!" He looks over and smiles "hey." Melissa runs up and shakes her head "what are you doing?" He looks over and smiles "being nosey?" We walk over and see Hades speaking too an older man "who is that?" Melissa scoffs and shakes her head "Mr Gerrard." I look at Melissa and smile "who?" she smirks and taps my back "Nik and Joe's dad." I laugh nervously and look at him smiling at me "what is he doing here?" Leon shrugs and walks towards his room "word going around that something big is going down." I look at Melissa and laugh nervously "let's go." I walk towards the stirs and she follows "where?" I open the front door and walk towards the car "a drive."

I drive deep into the woods and when I get away from the house I shake my head "I think we screwed up?" She raises her eyebrow and looks at me "how?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "the wolf will attack everything and anything in sight and Leon said that something big is going down?" She nods firmly and smiles "so?" I roll my eyes and get out the car "so I'm guessing he has already attacked?" She gets out the car and shakes her head "you don't know that!" I punch the tree in rage and shake my head "I could have just killed it there and then and not shat it." She walks towards me and shakes her head "this isn't your fault." She hands me a napkin and I place it over the blood on my knuckles "then how do I feel like it is?" She hugs me and takes a deep breath "because you are a decent person."

"Misty?" I turn around and see Nik walking towards us "are you ok?" he looks at my knuckles and shakes his head "I'm fine." He removes the napkin and smiles "what happened?" He looks at the large dent in the tree and smiles "my favourite anger tree is down a bit." I smile and shake my head "are yous ok?" I nod and smile "just needed some air." Melissa smirks and nods "I'm going to the car." She looks Nik up and down and shrugs at me "have fun." I roll my eyes and remove my hand away from him "I'm ok." I walk towards the car but he pulls me back "can we talk?" I look at his wrist and see the same mark I have "what happened?" He looks at it and smirks "I think you already know the answer to that?" He pulls my sleeve up and looks at mine "let's go a walk?" I look at Melissa sitting in the car "ok. Just give me a minute?" He nods and smiles "ok." I walk towards the car and smile "you drive back and I will meet you at home?" She looks at Nik and smirks "ok." She gets out the car and walks towards Nik "take care of her or I will hurt you!" He nods and smiles "noted!" She gets into the driver side and waves "see you at home." I wave at her as she drives off. "Ready?" I look at Nik and smile "yeah."

He leads me towards a lake with an old abandoned ship "what is this place?" he jumps down onto the desk and smiles "it's the old party wolf boat." He holds his hand out for me and smiles "I'm good." I jump down and look around "will it now sink?" He shakes his head and smiles "it's already at the bottom." I laugh nervously and shake my head "how big was it?" He opens a door and smiles "very." I walk into the door and he follows me closing it behind him "there was more wolfs here years ago but they all went their separate ways after the attack in 1937." I shake my head and look at the photos on the walls "what attack?" He laughs nervously and points to a picture with 7 men in it "the 7 alphas." He points to a man in another picture and takes a deep breath "this was my grandpa." He looks at me and smiles "he turned on his alpha with a group off other wolfs and vampires he gathered and that is why we are cursed." I smile softly and nod "the Maudite wolf?" He nods and smiles "Maudite means cursed so when my grandpa attacked he was killed instantly and now everyone in their blood line is cursed with turning full moon." I smile and nod "I know I heard about that." I look at the half moon and smile "so you turn every full moon?" He nods and smiles "I have done ever since I was 10."

He points to another picture and smirks "werewolf's and vampires used to live in peace but after that night the vampires blamed the wolfs for them making the vampires doing it and now the vampires that are cursed can't walk around in daytime." I shake my head and look at the photo "that's terrible." He shrugs and moves down the hallway "there is rumours going around that there is a cure for the curse too end." I smile and enter the other room when he opens the door "and what is it?" He smirks and closes the door "you!" He grabs me and I look around and see the room filled with vampires and other werewolf's "what?" I shake my head and try get away "no!" I look at Joe and shake my head "don't do this!" He shakes his head and smirks "I'm sorry but there is no other way." I feel someone inject me from behind and I fall into Joe's arms and black out.

The Wolf Within; The Hybrid AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon