Chapter 38.

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"Hey you!" I look up and see Melissa walking my way wearing a bikini "how you feeling?" I smile and nod "been better." She flings me a swimsuit and smirks "coming in?" I nod and smile "Caleb will be coming out soon so we can talk about him later." He blushes and shakes her head "what makes you think I want to talk about him?" I laugh nervously and get changed behind the wall "because iv never seen you smile so much." I hear the kitchen door open and smile "here he comes."

I place my clothes on the chair and get into the pool. "shall I join?" I look at Melissa and smirk "sure." She blushes and looks towards the floor as he starts taking all his clothes except his boxers off. "Wow!" I laugh nervously and look at Melissa "did I say that out loud?" I nod and smile "yeah." Caleb smirks and gets into the water "its better up close." He pulls himself towards Melissa and she smiles and nods "it sure is." They start kissing and I laugh nervously "I'm going to go but we will definitely catch up later?" Melissa holds her thumb up and I scoff and get out the pool grabbing my beer.

I head upstairs and see the bathroom door open with a leg coming out it "Hades?" I run towards the bathroom and see Leon unconscious lying on the floor "Leon?" I turn him over and see his face is white with blue lips "what happened?" He laughs nervously and pulls his top up "I got bit." I see a bite mark and my face is shocked with horror "who done that?" He closes his eyes and his face is in pain as he sits up "the black demon wolf." I shake my head and hold my hand out "but that means you might die?" He nods and takes my hand "I know."

I take him into his room and he nods towards the door "can you get me water?" I nod and rub his arm "of course." I tur around and walk towards the door "Misty?" I turn around and nod "yeah?" He coughs and shakes his head "don't tell anyone what happened yet? I don't them to worry if I can get better." I nod and fake a smile "ok." I leave the room and close the door behind me and take a deep breath before running downstairs and into the kitchen. As I run the water I notice I got blood on my hand so I quickly try wash it off but stop when I hear the back door open. I look over and see Melissa laughing "what happened?" I smile and wash the rest away "cut myself shaving." She looks at my legs and raises her eyebrow "now?" I laugh nervously and look towards my legs "yeah." She nods firmly and smirks "ohhhh I got you now." She laughs nervously and waves "me and Caleb are going out tonight." I grab the glass of water and head towards the door "all night?" She shrugs and winks "we shall see." She heads back outside before I can say another word "please don't die tonight Leon." I take a deep breath and run upstairs.

"Leon?" I open the door and see him looking at me smiling "hey beautiful." I scoff and enter the room closing the door behind me "I got you water." He holds his hand out and smirks "can I have a glass of you?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "that bite is really messing with your head?" He sips the water and places it on the bedside table "what bite?" He looks at his arm and smiles "lets cuddle?" I shake my head and get up "I should check on Ethan." He nods and rolls over "ok." He grabs my hand as I start to walk towards the door "I will check on you soon ok?" He waves and I close the door taking a deep breath.

I walk downstairs and kneel down by Ethan "hey?" I look at his sleeping relaxed face and smile "I stand up and pull a cover over him kissing his forehead "goodnight." I head upstairs and into bed "what a day." I roll over and flick through my notebook of notes about the black demon wolf "I hope tomorrow is a better day." I close the book and stick it under my pillow. As I turn the lamp off I hear a smash coming from the hallway "Leon?!" I get out of bed and run towards the door. I open it slightly and see a wolf figure shadow "Hades?!" I open the door and the wolf runs downstairs "wait!" I run after it downstairs but it disappears.

I look towards Ethan still sleeping and smile "hey?" I jump and turn around "Hades?" Hades walks out the shadow holding a bag popcorn "yeah?" I take a deep breath and smile "I saw a wolf." He looks towards the cinema room door and his face drops "shit!" He drops his popcorn and runs towards it "what?" I run after him and follow him inside "I had a woman over tonight." I look around the empty cinema room and shrug "I guess she left?" He shakes his head and looks towards the floor "without her jacket and purse?" I look towards the floor and see blood drops leading out the door "this doesn't look good." He looks over and shakes his head "get Leon and Ethan." I laugh nervously and shake my head "Leon is still hurt and Ethan is still out cold." He raises his eyebrow and shakes his head "what?" He runs towards the living room and looks at Ethan "he shouldn't be still sleeping." He feels his chest and his face goes white "he's not sleeping." He looks at me with such worry in his eyes "he's dead."

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