Chapter 27.

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I pull up outside the bar and look around for Caleb before heading inside. I walk towards the bar and order a drink before finding a table. "Hey!" I look up and smile when I see Caleb "hi." He sits down placing his beer on the table "you been here long?" I shake my head and smile "just got here." He smirks and nods "good." He coughs and sits up straight "so what do you know?" I spend the next half an hour telling Caleb everything I knew. He looks towards the bar and laughs sarcastically "I have so many questions but first I need another drink." I smile and nod "agreed!" He smirks and nods "vodka?" I nod and smile "yes please." He walks towards the bar and I take a deep breath and stand up and walk towards the bar "I'm going to the bathroom ok?" He nods and smiles "ok."

I walk towards the bathroom and enter the cubical. My phone starts vibrating as I start peeing "typical." I grab it from my pocket and smile when I see an unknown caller. I walk out the cubical and clear my throat as I answer the phone with a grin "hello?" I get butterflies when I hear Ethan's voice "hi." I look towards the floor and grin "everything ok?" I look towards the mirror and bite my bottom lip "just wanted to check if you was ok." I smile and nod "I'm good. You get a hotel ok?" I stick the phone on speaker as I wash my hands "I just arrived at the bar you are at and wanted to see if you wanted to go for dinner?" I laugh nervously in shock and look towards the bathroom door "how did you know where I was?" I walk towards the door and slightly open it "I know your scent from a thousand miles away." I spot him and grin "of course you can." I look towards my table and see Caleb "shit!" I see him looking around smiling "so where are you?" I laugh nervously and close the bathroom door "in the bathroom. Be out in a second!" I quickly hand up and run towards the mirror "shit shit shit!" I take a deep breath and nod "this shall be fun!"

I walk towards the door and open it "here goes." I walk towards Ethan and smile "wow!" He looks me up and down and grins "as beautiful as I first met you." I laugh nervously and shake my head "still charming as always?" He shrugs and smiles "only too you." I look towards the table and take a deep breath "now probably wasn't the best time for you to come." He looks over towards Caleb and laughs nervously "why?" I smile and shake my head at him "it's a long story but can we still meet up tomorrow?" He scoffs and shakes his head "really?" I take a deep breath and nod "please just trust me, ok?" He gives me a fake smile and nods "got it!" He walks towards the door before I could say another word "Ethan!" I take a deep breath and look towards Caleb "well that couldn't have went worse."

I walk towards Caleb and sit down "you ok?" I nod and smile "I'm fine." He holds his bottle up and smiles "what was that all about with that boy?" I look towards the door and smile "believe me I wish I could tell you but I think for tonight you have had enough to take in." He raises his eyebrow and smiles "ok?" I smile and drink my vodka "so how did you know about this place?" He nods towards a bartender and smirks "I've been seeing the bartender for a few months now and she told me. Her dad owns it." I laugh softly and shove him gently "so when are you going to introduce me?" He smirks and looks towards the door "when you introduce me to that boy that clearly isn't going to give up?" I look towards the door and see Ethan's eyes turn black and him ready to attack "shit!" I stand up and shake my head "Ethan stop!" Caleb shakes his head and stands up "Ethan?!" Ethan punches him in the face making his nose bleed. "What the hell?!" Caleb wipes the blood and smirks "you really shouldn't have done that!" He punches Ethan and before I know it the both of them are at punching into each other.

"Stop!" I break the fight up and stand in the middle of them "Ethan!" I look at Ethan with so much anger and shake my head "this is Caleb. Your brother!" His face drops and he looks at Caleb with a warm smile "what?" I take a deep breath and nod "can we go somewhere else and talk about this?" I look around and watch all the eyes on us "good idea." Caleb wipes his face and walks past us "why didn't you say anything?" I take a deep breath and shake my head "because he only found out tonight about everything so I think me introducing him to you would be too much but I suppose it would have been a better idea from him meeting your fist!" I shove him and roll my eyes "let's go." He takes a deep breath and follows me out "I don't like the idea of you being around another boy?" I smirk and wrap my arm around him "this was definitely not how I wanted to see you again." He kisses my hand and smiles "I'm just glad I do get to see you again."

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