Chapter 33.

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My arm burns as Nik drags me through the woods and as he let's go I turn into wolf form. With so much anger running through my body I can't help but snap at him "Misty no!" I turn around and see Leon holding firewood. Nik runs off and I turn back into human form "what have you done?" I shake my head and look towards the direction Nik ran off "he attacked me!" He looks at my arm and takes a deep breath "if you start a fight with an alpha then his whole pack will come after you." He takes his t-shirt off and wraps it around my bleeding arm "but he started it!" He smiles and nods "let's get you inside."

We start walking towards the house and I see Caleb and Ethan running towards us "is this Nik?!" Ethan's eyes turn black and I shake my head but before I could stop him he punches Leon making him fall onto the floor with a bloody nose "what the hell?!" I shake my head and pull Ethan away "no that's not Nik!" I hold my hand out and help Leon up "this is Melissa's brother." Leon wipes his nose and shakes his head "what the hell?!" I laugh nervously and shake my head "sorry about him." I look at Ethan and roll my eyes "he has anger issues." He picks up his firewood and scoffs "who even are you?" Melissa comes running over and smiles "he is Misty's friend from back home." He looks him up and down and nods "well a friend of Mistry's is a friend of mine." Melissa smirks and wraps her arm around mine "good because he is staying for a few nights." Leon's face drops and he rolls his eyes "does Uncle Hades know?" She shrugs and walks towards the house "I texted him but he will find out when we get back."

We all get inside and Hades walks downstairs smiling "company?" Leon smirks and walks towards the kitchen "our company apparently." He looks at me and winks "friends of Misty." Hades looks at me and smiles "well please come in and make yourself at home!" I smile and nod "thank you Hades!" He nods firmly and looks towards Melissa "do yous two want to set up the guest room?" I smile softly and look towards Ethan and Caleb "see yous in a bit?" Ethan kisses me and smiles "ok." Hades walks towards us and smirks "don't worry." He looks at me and nods "I will take care of them for you!" I laugh nervously and nod "please do."

Me and Melissa head into the other guest bedroom and start setting the room up "so you think Ethan will sleep here?" I laugh nervously and shrug "why wouldn't he?" She raises her eyebrow and scoffs "because he is a guy and has eyes? He would be stupid not to try something." I smirk and fluff the pillows "so do you not think he would rather spoon Caleb?" She flings the pillow at me and scoffs "definitely not." I smirk and stick the pillow on the bed "we should order pizza and have a few beers while we watch a movie." Melissa smirks and nods "I like that idea."

Melissa places towels on the bed and shrugs "so you think Caleb is into me?" I smirk and shrug "he would be silly not to?" She smirks and flings me another pillow "so we could go on double dates?" I take a deep breath and shrug "I'm not sure what I'm doing." She sits down on the bed and shakes her head "what do you mean?" I sit down look towards the floor "well Ethan coming here changes everything. He will eventually want to go home and I still have not even came close to finishing what I came here for." She stands up and smile "so let him help?" I shrug and take a deep breath "but then it means a chance of him getting hurt?" She smiles and walks towards me "I'm sure he knows what he will agree to sign up too." I smile and nod "that's what scares me." I stand up and shake my head "he would die for me and I just left him without saying goodbye." She sprays the bed and smiles softly "he knows how much you love him and he will understand why you had to do it." I shrug and walk towards the window and open it "it still feels like I just betrayed him." She nods and smiles "tell him how you feel!" I scoff and look towards Ethan standing out the back "I will." Melissa walks towards the door and opens it "let's go hind them before my uncle Hades tortes them too much." I nod and follow her out the room "I agree."

We walk into the kitchen and I see Hades holding a gun "are they annoying you that bad?" I laugh nervously and walk towards the window "no they are good boys." Melissa shakes her head and smirks nervously "so what's with the gun?" He sticks it in the drawer and smirks "hunters have been seen checking in." He looks at me and takes a deep breath "bad time for your friend to come here I guess." I look out the window towards Ethan outside playing football with Caleb and smile "he will be fine. He can take care of himself." Hades walks towards the door and nods "I guess if they come here then we will be stronger in numbers." Melissa walks toward the laptop and shakes her head "you think they will come here?" Hades opens the backdoor and shrugs "I'm not sure but like I always say? Be prepared for war."

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