Chapter 30.

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We head inside and I scan the coffee hut "I don't think they are here yet." She smiles and nods "so we can get a coffee and relax?" I nod and smile "sounds good." I follow her towards a table and sit down across from her "so what does this Ethan look like?" I laugh nervously and shrug "like a dream." She smirks and nods towards the door behind me "like that?" I turn around and see Ethan smiling at me "yeah that's him." I wave at him and smile "remind me why you left him again?" I look at Melissa and roll my eyes "to protect him." She nods and smirks "got it." She leans back and looks him up and down "but my god what a fine piece off.." He walks over and she stops speaking "hi." I smile and move over "hey." He sits down and hugs me "he not here yet?" I shake my head and smile "not yet." He looks at Melissa and smiles "so is this like a double date?" Melissa laughs hard letting out a snort "I only tagged along to protect my girl here." She smirks and leans back "and I wanted to see you for myself." Ethan laughs nervously and nods "I would never hurt Misty." He looks at me and smiles "I love her more than anything." I roll my eyes and shove him softly "let's get coffee."

After 10 minutes and two cups of coffee down Caleb finally turns up. He walks towards us and sits beside Melissa "hey I know you!" He points at her and smirks "you were the girl who was with Misty when yous broke into my house?" She blushes and nods "guilty." He smiles and holds his hand out "Caleb." She smirks and nods "I know." She laughs nervous and holds her hand out "I mean, I'm Melissa." He smiles softly and nods "nice to meet you." Ethan shakes his head and laughs softly "yous broke into his house?" I laugh nervously and nod "I wanted to know more about him?" I shake my head and look at Caleb "anyway." I smile and lean back drinking my coffee "let's talk."

Melissa smiles and leans forward looking at Ethan "yes let's talk. About Ethan? Here alone? No brother with you?" I snigger under my breath and shake my head "no my brother is back in America." She smirks and nods "so there is a brother?" He nods and smiles "Misty didn't tell you about us?" Melissa shrugs and leans back "little bits about you but she would always avoid the conversation about her old life." She looks at me and grins "was all about her mission." Ethan looks at me and smirks "mission?" I roll my eyes and nod "I followed the black demon wolf here but didn't get to kill him so my mission failed." Ethan smiles and places his hand on my knee "we will talk about this later?" I nod and smile "ok." I look at Caleb and take a deep breath "so what do you want to know?" He smiles and leans forward "everything."

As Ethan tells Caleb everything I watch Melissa sit back and take it all in. Everything about what happened in the last year. She looks so shocked and amazed at the same time. She looks at me and smiles "why didn't you tell me any of this?" I shrug and smile "I wanted a fresh start." She smiles and leans forward "I'm just glad that we found each other." I smile and nod "me too." She looks at Ethan and shrugs "so you just let her walk out?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "he knew I can handle myself." Ethan laughs sarcastically and leans forward "I did actually." He smirks and holds out his passport "I travelled to 8 countries trying to find her." I raise my eyebrows and smile "really?" He smirks and nods "of course? I was worried and wanted to help."

I smile and kiss him "so how did you know I was here?" He smirks and winks at me "I heard about a story of this black demon wolf running mayhem in Paris so thought I would take a gamble and come here." I smile and nod "well you found me but unlucky for you I think the black wolf left." Caleb laughs nervously and shakes his head "what's the black wolf?" I smile and show him my wrist "the worst off them all." He smiles and shows me his wrist "I have that?" I laugh nervously as I look at his wrist where he has the same exact scar "how did you get that?" He shrugs and leans back "this woman was flirting with me one night and we drank and before I knew it I passed out and I woke up with it, why?" I look at Ethan and shrug "when was this?" He looks at Ethan and shrugs "about 3 weeks ago?" I fling my shoulders back and sigh "so the black wolf is a woman?" Caleb shakes his head and smiles "she was with a boy." He grabs his phone and shakes his head "I might have a photo." I look at Ethan and smirk "ready to finish this mission with me?" He smirks and nods "I got you, always."

Caleb smirks and shows me his phone "there." I look at the photo and laugh nervously "I know that girl!" I look at Melissa and shake my head "remember the girl from the changing room who was meeting Joe at the weeding? It's her." She looks at the phone and smirks "I'm not sure who the boy is though." She laughs nervously and nods "I do." I look at her and smile "really?" She nod and gets her phone out "his name is Christopher Thomas." Ethan leans forward and laughs sarcastically "what?" He looks at the phone and scoffs "it cant be!" He looks at his phone and shakes his head "what?" He looks at me and shows me a picture of the boy and Ethan's ex "is that Anna?" He nods and smiles "Anna and Chris used to date."

I scoff and lean back "so she might be the black wolf?" Ethan shakes his head and smiles "no I would have realised." Melissa smiles and goes through her phone "well they are also Maudite." I raise my eyebrows and scoff "like Nik?" Melissa nods and takes a deep breath "I know Nik has a cousin called Anna?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "Anna is Nik's cousin? She wasn't at the wedding though?" She smirks and shrugs "her dad doesn't really get on with his side of the family." I take a deep breath and look at Ethan "so guess you are bait?" He scoffs and shakes his head "no chance!" I smirk and cuddle him "I'm joking." I lean up straight and nod "so what's the plan?"

The Wolf Within; The Hybrid Alphaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें