Chapter 3.

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We get back into Paris city Centre and I look around "so where is a good hotel around here?" Melissa smiles and shrugs "you could stay with us?" I smile nervously and shake my head "I couldn't ask yous to do that. It would be putting you and Leon in too much danger." She shrugs and looks at Leon "we don't mind, do we Leon?" he shakes his head and smiles "you saved us so it's the least we can do?" I smile and nod "ok." I start the car and shrug "ok. You need to give me directions." She smiles and nods "yeahhh!"

We pull up outside a large castle and I laugh nervously "you live here?" She nods and gets out after Leon "our grandpa was a vampire and left it to us when he passed away." I follow her inside and smile "so it's just the two off you that live here?" A man runs downstairs smiling "there yous are!" He runs towards the twins and hugs them "and who is this ravishing young lady?" He holds his hand out and smiles "I'm Misty." I shake his hand and he kisses me "delightful." Melissa shoves him and smirks "she's a hybrid so good luck trying to suck her blood." He looks at me and smirks "hybrid? How?" I smile and shrug "long story." He shrugs and points toward the living room "I guess you're staying so I have time?" I look at Melissa and laugh nervously "ok then."

I walk into the living room and sit down "so was you born werewolf or vampire?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "neither." He raises his eyebrow and smirks "you was born a hybrid?" I smile and shake my head "I was born human." Melissa laughs nervously and shakes her head "really?" I smile and nod "I was giving vampire blood and bonded with a werewolf the same night and died during it with the vampire blood in me." I show them my scar and smile "I'm also the red shield." The man jumps up and laughs nervously "your joking?" I shake my head and smile "I wish." He looks at Melissa and Leon "what?" He laughs sarcastically and shakes his head "a word yous two!" They nods and follow him out the Livingroom leaving me alone.

After a few minutes they walk back in and smile "so Melissa and Leon told us what happened and I guess the book about you is wrong? BUT I will be keeping a close eye on you!" I smile and shake my head "book about me?" He nods and walks towards the bookshelf "this one." He grabs a book and walks towards me "Red Shield." I flick through it and laugh nervously "I have never seen this?" He shrugs and smiles "you can borrow it and read it if you like?" I smile and stand up "thank you." Melissa nods and smiles "let me show you to your room?" I nod and follow her out the Livingroom and upstairs. She walks into a room and smiles "my room is next door so if you need anything then come ask?" I smile and nod "thank you." She laughs sarcastically and sits down on the bed "sorry about my Uncle." I smile and sit beside her "it's fine." I place the book down and smile "I don't blame him for being caution." She smiles and looks at the book "so the red shield?" I nod and smile "that's me."

The rest of the night we get talking and at midnight Leon walks in and smiles "Uncle Hades wants to know if yous to go for a midnight run?" Melissa looks at me and shrugs "we are good." He nod and smiles "ok." He closes the door behind him and I smile and shake my head "midnight run?" She nods and stands up "it's a thing we do every night after a full moon because it's when we get our full strength back and it's nice when no one else is around." I laugh softly and nod "makes sense." She walks towards the window and smiles "let's go." I stand up and follow her towards the door and back downstairs "where are we going?" She smirks and walks towards a room and turns the lights on "movie room." She nods and smiles "sit down and I will grab snacks?" I nod and smile "ok?" I walk into the large dark room and sit on the large black corner sofa and look around "movie room? Where is the TV?" Melissa walks back in a few minutes later with a box of sweets and crisps "ready?" She places it in the middle of the sofa and sits on the other edge "yeah but where is the TV?" She smiles and presses a button on a remote and smiles "here." The painting on the wall in front of us turns and a TV appears "ohhh." I smile and lean back "that's cool."

We watch 2 movies before Hades and Leon come back "Melissa?!" Melissa looks over and nods "in the cinema!" Hades walks in and smiles "everything ok?" She nods and smiles "just watching a movie." He looks out the door and shrugs "room for 2 more?" She looks at me and shrugs "do you mind?" I smile and shake my head "of course not." She looks at Hades and smiles "come in." Hades and Leon walk in and sit beside us "so what we watching?" Melissa shrugs and looks at the TV "we just finished watching Halloween." He looks at me and smiles "you like horror movies?" I smile and nod "the scarier the better." He laughs sarcastically and nods "perfect." He plays a movie and I look at the screen as it starts.

Halfway through themovie I jump and find myself practically sitting on Leon "sorry!" I laughnervously and move over again "that's ok." He looks at me and smirks "youscared?" I shake my head and laugh nervously "just jumpy." Hades smiles andpauses it "enjoy kids." He stands up and walks towards the door "I have a longjourney tomorrow so I will see yous in the morning?" Melissa nods and waves"night!" I look her and shrug "where is he going?" Leon looks at me and smiles"he meets up with his his cousin to try hatch a plan on stopping thewolfjager's." I shrug and look at him "need help?" He laughs nervously andshakes his head "it's vampires on." I roll my eyes and lean back facing the TV"your loss." We watch the rest of themovie and I keep jumping so much that I don't realise that I'm holding Leon'shand until after the movie is finished. I laugh nervously and smile "I shouldcall it a night." I jump up and quickly walk towards the door before they cansay anything "night!" I run up the stairs and into my room closing the doorbehind me "god I miss Ethan!" I miss at the photo of us in my purse and smile"I cannot wait for this all to be over so I can touch him again." I stick mypurse in my handbag and get into bed turning the lamp off.

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