Chapter 14.

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I look at the text and shake my head in disbelief "hi beautiful it's M, so will I see you tomorrow for dinner?" I look at Melissa and shake my head "I can't wait! Where are we going?" I scoff and look back at my phone "I can't believe you texted him asking him out? A simple hi would have been bad enough." She smiles and opens her beer "well now you don't need too second guess about texting him because I broke the ice." I open my beer and take a sip "broke the ice? I think you just broke my plan." She smirks and leans forward "so there was a plan?" I wink and grab the cover "that's a secret I will never tell." I grab the remote and start playing the movie.

After 20 minutes off Melissa glaring at me every 2 seconds I finally pause the movie "ok." I look at her and shrug "what do you want to know?" She smirks and sits up straight "everything." I shrug and laugh nervously "Joe kidnapped me and took me too this old church looking building in the middle off the woods." She shakes her head and laughs nervously "so how did you manage to escape?" I look at the TV and shrug "I had a little help." She smiles and shrugs "from who? Nik?" I look at her and laugh nervously "no. A little boy helped me escape." She raises her eyebrow and scoffs "a little boy?" I nod and smile "him and his dad are part of the Maudite pack but he knew it was wrong me being there and had a change of heart I guess." She smiles softly and nods "then what?" I look back towards the TV and smirk "then I jumped through a window and Nik found me." I look at her and smirk "then we got food and came here, the end." I look towards the TV and nod "now can we watch the rest?" She nods and smiles "fine but I want more details about Nik."

I play the movie and smile "he invited me to a wedding Friday but I don't think there is anything too it." She smirks and grabs the remote "this Friday?!" I smile and nod "yeah why?" She grins at me and shakes her head "it's his aunt's wedding." I nod and laugh nervously "yeah? So?" She rolls her eyes and grabs her phone and shows me a photo off a girl and boy "his aunt is like the leader off his family so him inviting you is a BIG deal!" I shake my head and laugh nervously "no? It's just as friends." She smirks and leans back "does he know that?" I nod and play the movie "if he doesn't then I will tell him. The last thing on my mind right now is boys." She shrugs and looks at the TV "or you could not go?" I smirk and shake my head "and miss out on the buffet and cake?" She smirks and flings a bit off popcorn at me "lame excuse."

After the movie she hands me another beer and smiles "another?" I nod and take the beer "something more scary this time." She nods and clicks on the horror section before playing a movie. "Mel?" I jump and look over "in here!" Leon walks in and smiles "what yous doing?" We look at the TV and smirk "what does it look like?" He rolls his eyes at Melissa and scoffs "well move over." He sits in the middle off us and smiles "beer?" He nods and takes a beer from Melissa "what we watching?" He looks at me and smiles "horror movie." He nods and looks at the TV "perfect, my favourite." He sips his beer and starts to watch the movie.

I look over at Melissa and see her smiling and mouthing something. I raise my eyebrow and shake my head as I mouth back 'what?' She rolls her eyes and looks at Leon "what?" Leon looks at her and smirks as he pauses the movie "do you want me to leave so you can talk about me?" Melissa laughs nervously and shakes her head "no!" She looks at me and smiles "I was just wondering if Misty texted Nik back yet." Leon laughs sarcastically and shakes his head "she binned his number?" he looks at me and shrugs "didn't you?" I roll my eyes and look at Melissa "someone else decided too text him from my phone." Leon gives Melissa a daggered look "you what?!" She smirks and grabs another beer "chill! I was just shoving her a little." He stands up and scoffs "she binned his number therefor she wasn't planning on texting him!" He storms out and I laugh nervously "what was that about?" Melissa looks at the door and shakes her head "I have no idea." She plays the movie and smiles "I'm going to find out." She stands up and walks towards the door closing it behind her.

I look towards the TV and take a deep breath as I grab the blanket and wrap it around me. After a few minutes my phone goes off so I grab it and smile when I see Nik's name "take it nowhere?" I take a deep breath and bite my bottom lip "not fussed." I sent it and scoff as I fling my phone beside me and begin to watch the rest of the movie. I look at my phone when I see it light up "talk about fast replies." I pick it up and smile "It's a date, pick you up at 8." I smile and shake my head 'it's dinner and I can't wait.' I smile as I send the message and place my phone back down as I watch the rest of the movie.

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