Chapter 18.

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With two double vodkas and 5 shots each Infront off us I take a deep breath and look at Melissa "I know we said a good time but I meant a good time and be alive after it." She smirks and holds a shot glass up "just drink." I smile and cheers her glass "too a single girls night?" She laughs nervously and nods "I actually agreed to go on a date with Brandon next week but yeah sure." I smile and look towards Nik and the girl as I down my shot. I look at Melissa and smile "let's hope it goes better than what mine did." She looks towards Nik and shrugs "he's an ass." I smile and look towards the ground "I know but he's the only ass I have actually liked since." I take a deep breath and shake my head "another shot." I pick up two shots and hand her one "agreed."

After a few hours the shots and double vodkas hit me as soon as I walk into the bathroom that I don't even realise I entered the men's bathroom. "Miss?" I look up and smile "what you doing in the girls bathroom?" He laughs nervously and walks towards me "you're in the men's?" I look at the urine's and laugh nervously "my bad." He opens the door and points towards the woman's bathroom "thank you." I nod firmly and walk towards the girls bathroom and into one off the cubical. I take a deep breath as I sit down and grab a few tissues and place them in my bag and open the cubical door to see the girl Nik is with walk in.

I smile nervously and walk towards the sink and wash my hands as she walks into the cubical. I look into the mirror and fix myself before walking towards the door and opening it. I look up and see Nik sitting at the table Infront off the bathroom "Misty?" I scoff and shake my head "don't speak to me." I look towards the women's bathroom door and smirk "have a good night, yeah?" I walk towards the table where Melissa is watching but Nik stands Infront off me "let me explain?" I shake my head and laugh sarcastically "explain? I think I know what happened so no need." The girls bathroom door opens and the girl walks out "it's not what you think Misty." I look at her and smile "oh really?" I look at him and he nods "so you didn't leave our date and go find another girl within, what?" I look at my watch and smile "an hour? Then bring her here too get her drink then probably sleep with her?" He shakes his head and walks towards her "if that is what you think then maybe you don't know me at all and me leaving was the right decision." I smile and nod "maybe." He nods firmly and take a deep breath "let's go Sammi." She smiles nervously and walks towards the door as he follows.

I walk back towards the table and sit down "what happened?" I shrug and grab another drink "he thought he would introduce me too his girl." She looks towards the door and shrugs "who is she? I can Instagram stalk her." I smile and look at her phone "Sammi." She looks at me and smirks "Sammi?" I nod and raise my eyebrow "yeah?" She rolls her eyes and looks back towards her phone "that's his cousin." I scoff and shake my head "what?" She nods and show me her Instagram profile "I should have recognised her." She smirks and laughs nervously "she used too always come over for the summer and we would play by the lake when we was 10." I look at her profile and laugh nervously at her recent photo with Nik and Joe with the caption 'reunited with the cousins.' I grab my phone and start texting Nik "I'm sorry. Please call me when you get the chance?" I take a deep breath and send it "done." Melissa smiles and hugs me "I'm sure he will understand." I laugh nervously and pick up a shot glass "I hope so."

The cute bartender walks towards the table and coughs "hello ladies." Melissa laughs nervously and looks at me "soooo I'm going back too Brandon's if you don't mine?." I laugh nervously and shake my head "off course I don't mine." I smile and hug her "have a good night." She smiles and nods "are you sure?" I look at Brandon and nod "I'm sure." She stands up and waves "see you tomorrow." I wave and smile "can't wait." I pick up another shot glass and down it in one "I should get myself home." I stand up and walk towards the door.

As my vision starts to get blurry I take a deep breath and concentrate on my steps. The closer I get to the top off the stairs and towards the wind I feel more drunk so I stop at the top off the stairs and sit down. I look at my phone and look at Leon's number "I should wake him." I stick my phone back into my bag and stand up but lose my balance and feel myself go forward but stop when I feel someone grab onto my arm. I turn around and see a man holding onto my arm "you ok?" I nod and stand up straight "I am now thank you." He smiles and nods "your welcome." He nods towards his friends behind him and they walk down the stairs and into the club. I look towards the exit door for a few seconds before walking towards them.

I get into the street and look down the roads for a taxi but after 10 minutes I give up and start walking down the street. I get outside the restaurant I was at with Nik and smile "what have I done?" I hear someone laugh from behind me making me jump "you know the first sign off going insane is talking too yourself?" I turn around and see the boy from the club "so I have heard." He looks at the restaurant and smiles "bad night?" I nod and smile "could say that." He holds a helmet towards me and smiles "want to go for a ride and talk about it?" I look down the direction off the street I was walking down and shake my head "I should really get home." He smirks and walks towards me "then let me take you home?" I take a deep breath and smile "I'm ok. The walk should clear my head up." He stands right Infront off me and smiles "I know something else you can do that will clear your head." He leans in for a kiss making me jump back "sorry I'm not that kind off girl." He rolls his eyes and sticks his helmet back on his motorbike "tease?" I shake my head and smile "goodnight." I start walking down the street again but he gets onto his bike and follows me down the street "goodnight? The night is still young."

The Wolf Within; The Hybrid AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon