Chapter 26.

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I stand in silence as I watch Eric try take in the information I just told him "how?" He paces up and down the room shaking his head "how do you know this?" I smile and look towards the floor "my boyfriend." I laugh nervously and look towards the floor "ex-boyfriend is your brother." I look at him and take a deep breath "half-brother." He raises his eyebrows and scoff "so your ex-boyfriend is my half-brother?" I nod and smile "we bonded and that is probably why you felt what you felt when you touched me." He nods and stops pacing "makes sense." He looks at me and shrugs "how can you be so sure I'm Caleb?" I look at my phone again and smile "the resemblance and he had a brother which was gave up for adoption when it was five and the timing makes sense." He nods firmly and smiles "so where is he?" I look at the map on the wall "Harpers Ferry." He looks at the map and nods "I need to go there then." I shake my head and laugh nervously "you can't just turn up and be like 'oh hey I'm your long lost half-brother.' He will start asking questions then he might find me." He raises his eyebrows and looks me up and down "your running from him? What did he do? Did he hurt you?" He walks towards me and looks at me closely "what? No!" I laugh nervously and smile "he was amazing but I left a few months ago because I had to..." I shake my head and smile "what I had to do isn't important." I look towards the hole in the wall when I hear footsteps "just trust me ok?" He nods and smiles "I need to know more." I smile and look at him "I will tell you everything but not right now."

I look back towards the hole as Melissa pops her head through the wall and smiles "I take it you found him?" I smile and nod "I did." I walk towards her and smirk "misunderstanding." She looks at him and raises her eyebrows "really?" I nod and smile "yip." I walk through the hole and smile "let's go." She shrugs and smiles "ok?" She starts walking towards the stairs and I look at Caleb and smile "I will answer any questions you have but please do not go looking for them yourself?" He nods and smiles "fine but I will come looking for my answers from you." I smile and nod "meet me tonight and I will explain everything?" he nods and hands me a leaflet with a bar opening night "be here for 9?" I nod and smile "ok see you then." I take the leaflet and stick it in my pocket before following Melissa out the church.

The way home I keep replying the conversation that I know I am about to have with him tonight over and over in my head. "Misty?" I look over at Melissa and nod "yeah?" She laughs sarcastically and shakes her head "you ok?" I smile and nod "just tired." She smiles and nods "so what did he have to say for himself?" I smile and shrug as I look out the window "not a lot." She smirks and goes into her bed "good job we got this then." She pulls out the notebook I found and grins "want a read?" I nod and take it "yes please." I open it and shake my head "it's lists of names and addresses?" I look at her and show her the notebook "they are all American addresses by the looks of things." I smile and look at them "he must have written down all the names and addresses he thought his family are called and living." She smiles softly and nods "I feel bad that he doesn't know his family." I laugh nervously and look out the window "maybe his answers are just around the corner." I close the notebook and place it on my lap "hopefully because no one deserves to not know where they came from."

When we pull up outside I get an incoming call from an unknown number "I'm going to take this." I look at Melissa and smile "ok." She smiles softly and walks inside the house closing the door behind her. I look at the phone and take a deep breath as I answer "hello?" After a few seconds of silence I hear someone breathing heavily "Misty?" My face drops and I smile "Ethan?" I feel a tear run down my cheek "is it really you misty?" I smile and sit on the steps "it's really me." I look towards the sky and smile "are you ok?" I take a deep breath and wipe the tear away "I'm ok." He takes a deep breath and smiles "I'm in Paris." I jump up and shake my head "what?" I hear footsteps coming from the woods and I lock my eyes onto them "where?" After a few seconds I see Leon walk out smiling at me "I just landed but I want to see you?" I take a deep breath and nod "fine but not tonight. Tomorrow?" As Leon walks towards me I start getting nervous "ok." I smile and nod "I will text you a place and time." I hang up before he could say another word but more importantly before Leon walks over and starts speaking. The last thing I want is for Ethan to think the worse and go on a war.

Leon walks towards me and smiles "everything ok?" I smile and nod "yip." I look towards the firewood in his hand "planning a bonfire?" He smirks and shrugs "something like that." He walks towards the back of the house and smiles "see you later." I raise my eyebrows and shake my head "ok?" I take a deep breath and run into the house and upstairs. "Melissa?" I look towards Melissa's room waiting for her to come out "yeah?" She pops her head out the bathroom door "I'm going out for a few drinks tonight so don't wait up." She raises her eyebrow and smirks "you forgiving Nik then?" I laugh nervously and open my room door "yip." I fake smile as I close the room door behind me "god help me!" I grab clothes and begin to get ready.

As I sit on the bed applying my lipstick I hear a loud bang making me jump and scream. I look around me and shake my head "Melissa?!" I run towards the bedroom door and open it "Melissa?" I hear her shouting from her room so I quickly run towards her room and open the door "are you ok?" I see her hanging out the window shouting "don't make me come down there Leon!" I laugh sarcastically and walk towards her "what's going on?" I look out the window and see Leon covered in orange paint "Leon being Leon." She closes the window and takes a deep breath "I thought someone got shot." She laughs sarcastically and nods "he will get shot if he don't stop with these stupid experiments." I look out the window and see him dipping the firewood into the orange paint "with firewood?" Melissa nods and smiles "." I shake my head and look towards my phone when I get a text "I should go." I walk towards the bedroom door "I should go." She smiles and nods "have fun." I smile and wave "don't wait up." I head downstairs and out the door.

The Wolf Within; The Hybrid AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now