Chapter 40.

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We walk to a large cliff and he shrugs "ready?" I raise my eyebrow and look up "we going up there?" He shakes his head and smiles "in here." He touches a patch of weed and grass on the rock and it moves easily like opening curtains "what is this place? You're not going to try kill me are you because I should warn you, I am armed!" He rolls his eyes and smirk "I'm not going to kill you." He nods and walks in "lets go." I take a deep breath and nod "why can't I just kill him already?" I follow him inside and see the sunset hit off his cheek and I get a glance off him smiling and it reminds me exactly of Ethan "that's why."

I follow him inside and towards a small village surrounded with burned wood and tree's "what is this place?" He smirks and nods towards a small cottage and he opens the door with a key from under a dead plant pot "this is my house." He opens the door and I shake my head "I'm good out here." He laughs nervously and nods "you don't trust me? I get it." He closes the door and walks towards a tree "the other me did kill your boyfriend." He kicks the tree and it falls down "sit?" I nod and sit on the tree "I'm listening." He takes a deep breath and nods "well one night I was working on the farm and I heard the sheep's all crying like they was in pain so I went to check it out." He nods and looks at me "and when I got there I was attacked and I thought I was left for dead in between the dead sheep but I was awoken the next morning when the family who owned the farm was all standing in a circle around me chanting." He looks towards his arm and shrugs "next thing I know I have 4 legs and a tail? They said it was because I killed a full village of people but I didn't kill anyone." I scoff and shake my head "so who did?" He shrugs and stands up "something evil I guess." I shake my head and stand up "but you have killed so many people over the years?" He shows me a scar on his wrist "I guess it has something to do with this?" I look at it and show him mine "it's the same one the wolf." I shake my head and laugh nervously "the same one that you left on people." He sits down and smiles "again that wasn't me? It was like some evil thing took over my body." I shake my head and scoff "I'm sorry but I don't believe it, I need more than that to stop me from taking your heart out your chest with my hand?"

He heads inside and comes out a few minutes later "this was me." He shows me a photo with him and a girl in it "this was my girlfriend Annabelle. As I look at the photo I laugh nervously "Annabelle?" He nods and smiles "pretty isn't she?" I take a deep breath and nod "pretty familiar." I get my phone out and click on Anne's social medias "this is Anna." He looks at the phone and shakes his head "it can't be?!" He looks at me and scoffs "my Annabelle is alive?" I nod and stand up "your Annabelle used to date my Ethan." He smiles nervously and shakes his head "I'm really sorry about that." I shake my head and sit on the tree again "so what is the last thing you remember?" He sits beside me and looks at the woods around him "I remember this being a town but was burned down after the full village left." I look around and shrug "I always thought you." I shake my head and laugh nervously "the black demon wolf was from America?" He shakes his head and places the picture in his pocket "I am from Italy originally but I moved here with my Annabelle because her father got a farm here." He heads towards the door and nods "wait here?" I nod and look towards the burned away village as he runs back inside the cottage.

I look at the house and shake my head "so why was the village hidden?" I wait for him to come back out and he smiles "there is a spell around the cliffs so you can't get in unless your supernatural." I nod firmly and smile "I see." He places a red box beside him and smiles "this is the diary I kept when things around the village got weird and people started dying." He flicks through it and stops at a page "me and Annabelle went to her dads farm during spring to look after the new baby lambs and that's when we first noticed that sheep was getting took but he didn't know what by and when we told her father about it he got all weird and was blaming me."

He flicks through the diary and scoffs shaking his head "he told the witches that I was a demon wolf that turned bad and they changed me into the monster they thought I was using the blood that the real demon wolf left behind on one of his victims that got away." He shows me a photo of the village before it got burned down "wow!" I smile and take the photo "so the witches turned you into the black demon wolf but what has that got to do with me?" He shrugs and grabs another photo "these are the witches that done it." He shows me the photo and shrugs "they was the most powerful witches around." I look at the photo and smirk "she looks like my mum?" I point too one of the woman in the photo and he grins "that's the witch leader Nadia." I scoff and shake my head "Nadia? My mum was called Nadine after her great great great grandmother or someone down the line."

Istand up and walk towards the burned-out village "so that is why I was the redshield and the only one to stop the black demon wolf?" I look at him and smile"I mean you?" He nods and stands up "I guess so." I laugh nervously and shrug"what is your name?" He grins and walks towards me "Harrison." I nod and walktowards a patch of grass "I still can't believe the similarities with you andEthan." He smiles softly and looks towards the floor "I don't remember what helooked like." I smile and show him a photo on my phone "like twins." He scoffsand shakes his head "wow! That is weird." I nod and smile "tell me about it." Ilook at my phone and see 4 missed calls from Melissa "speaking of weird. I haveno idea what I'm going to tell Melissa or anyone for a matter." He nods andwalks towards the cottage "well I will be long gone by then in case they comeafter me." He waves and smiles "it was nice meeting you Misty." He shrugs andopens the door "I just wish it was under better circumstances." I nod and smile"me too." He closes the door behind him and I take a deep breath and lookaround one more time before leaving.

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