15: Hopefully (Part One)

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Luna Livingston

I should've known this was all about money. I just didn't think Royalty's own mother had something to do with it. 

She very well could not, but why is she always around or linked to a bad situation? Are these all coincidences? 

"I have to go to the bathroom." I muttered, leaving Chris and Nia to discuss how they were going to get Ro back.

I got up and walked down the hall, but stopped in what I saw as Nia's bedroom anyway. I shut and locked the door behind me, then proceeded to look around. There were men boxers and socks on the floor, so either she just had a man over, or she was wearing men's clothing.

I smelled the air that reeked of sex. She definitely had a man over. I sorted through some mail on her dresser to see lots of unpaid bills and final notices. I noticed some white residue left over on the dresser as well, but I didn't want to assume.

Sis definitely has motive, but that still doesn't tie her to anything.

I opened the drawer and my eyes grew. Inside was about 10 little baggies, all filled with white cocaine. I knew she originally said she was selling the stuff, but one of the bags was almost gone so I drew my own conclusion.

Nia is still a fucking addict, and somehow, someway, she's working with the Winstons to get money out of Chris, all while scaring me into keeping quiet.

I shook my head and paced silently. When had things got so complicated?

I tucked some of the bags inside my boot, then shut the drawer back. I tiptoed out of the room, then darted across the hall to flush the toilet so it would seem that that's where I was the whole time. I ran some warm water on my hands, then met Nia and Chris in the living room again.

He was consoling her as she cried. I gave them both my best sympathetic look. "Hey." I spoke quietly. 

Chris pulled back from her and looked at me. "You feeling okay, baby?" 

I shook my head. "My stomach is hurting like crazy. I think we should go." Nia looked at me. "Seriously?" We agreed.

"Yeah, I also need to get the money together too. Just text the address, Nia. I'll get our baby back, I promise." She fought back tears and said okay, letting us go on about our way. 

I got in the car and stared at Chris. Do I tell him or no?

He smiled at me softly and huffed afterwards. "I think... I think I have to kinda sorta give them the money, babe." He avoided eye contact with me and in good reason too.

I was finna slap the shit out this man.

"What you mean you finna give them a half a million dollars, Chris? I don't care how many Burger Kings you own, or how many shows you sell out, that's alot of money."

"Is my daughter not worth a half a million?"

"Your daughter is priceless. We had a plan, Chris. What happened to that?"

"You didn't find anything. We don't know for sure that Nia has anything to do with.."

I pulled the couple baggies out of my boot and flashed them to him, cutting him off. "Your baby mama is a fucking addict and almost got me killed. And now you want to just give them a half a million dollars. For all we know Royalty was in the background the whole time!" 

He put the car in park and cut the engine. When he looked at me, his eyes were dark. "You got all the answers, Luna. So, tell me what I'm supposed to do. Cause I'm finna go crazy." I just stared back at him. Honestly, I didn't know.

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