32: Epic(part one)

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Luna Livingston (THREE WEEKS LATER)

I threw up everything I'd even thought about eating into the porcelain toilet in the bathroom at Applebee's. I don't know if it was the nasty ass liquor Trixie had ordered, or if it was the fact that I was used to only eating when Kate and Cannon ate, but I was nauseous as hell.

Tonight all of the trainees and Joey were out at a celebratory lunch for Trixie, Oliver, Zachary, and Honey, who had successfully completed their training and could return home. It was bittersweet because tonight I was supposed to be packing for my flight back home as well, but I wasn't.

Although I don't regret staying back to help Kate with Cannon, I do miss Chris. So much.

There was a knock on my stall door, which led to me standing up and flushing the toilet. I wiped my mouth with the inside of my arm and unlocked the door. "Hey, Trixie."

"Hey. You a lightweight now?" She joked. I gave her a look. "No. You're the one ordering wine at a Applebee's. There's seriously nowhere else ya'll wanted to go?" I walked to the sink to wash my hands. "It reminds me of home. I'm a country girl."

She went in her purse and handed me a mint. "Thanks." I replied. 

"Welcome." I turned to leave the bathroom, but she blocked the doorway. "We need to talk."

"What's up?" I asked, a little taken back because why couldn't we have this conversation in the restaurant with everyone else?

"What's up with you and Joey?" She folded her arms across her flat chest. I sighed and shook my head. I was so sick of answering this question. "Nothing. He's our boss. That's it."

"So let me get this straight. You have a fine ass man back at home, and family, but you're gonna stay here because your best friend went into labor here?" Hearing it out loud really did sound crappy, but it was true.

"Yes. She's all alone, and the baby can't travel yet. When my performance is up for review in a couple weeks, we'll all move back to California."

She gave me a look that meant she didn't believe me, but I brushed past her and went back to my seat. Beside Joey.

He looked up from his phone and smiled. "You okay? You haven't even ate." I waved my hand. "I'm fine. I just haven't really felt good all day."

"Well, this shit Trixie ordered to drink doesn't help." We shared a laugh. "But it did get the job done."

"Are you drunk?" I asked him, honestly concerned. "If so, you definitely shouldn't be driving."

"Well, your sick so you shouldn't be driving." He gave me a sly smirk, and although I felt my cheeks flourish, I turned the opposite way and ignored him. Besides, he was drunk. He probably won't even remember flirting with me tomorrow.

I ignored Honey's stares at me and cleared my throat. "I'm really proud of all of ya'll." I smiled. Only Oliver replied, and that was even a dry thanks. 

"What's going on?" I asked them, a little offended. The room was silent.

"Nah, for real, what's going on?" Joey chimed in. "You all have been very silent."

"She acts like she's our boss or something." Zachary said. I honestly had forgotten he was here, or that he worked with us. "Just because you suck the supervisor's dick doesn't mean you're our--"

"Zach!" Honey shrieked. "Inappropriate!"

"Yeah, we can only discuss those type of things in private." Trixie giggled, which caused the entire table, including Joey to erupt in laughter. Much to my dismay.

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