21: Disappointed

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Luna Livingston

I stuffed the bottles and bag in my pocket and stomped down the stairs. I didn't even bother telling Chris bye, I just left. I wasn't mad at him or anything..

Just disappointed.

It could not be him taking the pills, but who the hell was taking them? I just wanted to take Royalty with me to see my family and friends and chill. These past couple months had been pure hell and I really needed today to be calm. Even if it did start by my boyfriend locking me in the closet.

    "What took so long?" Ro asked from her booster seat when I got to the car. I just shook my head. "Nothing really, I just erm.. found something, sweetie."

"Like a toy? Or money?"

I nodded and crunk up the car. "Yeah."

     About 30 minutes later, I pulled up in front of my mom's house and smiled at the sight of her car outside. This place brought back so many different emotions for me, but I was back here now and I was actually okay.

"This is my mom's house." I told Royalty. "Since were going to be in each other's lives more, I thought you could get to know my family as well. And plus, I missed them, but I didn't want to leave you."

"I never liked Mommy's mommy, maybe I'll like your mommy." She smiled. I smiled back and got out the car, walking towards the door. I noticed my mom standing at the screen door smirking at me. She opened the door. 

"I thought you forgot how to get in this neck of the woods." She chuckled. "Hey, Royalty. Remember me?" I saw her grin from ear to ear. "Ms. Lisa! They said you were sick and may not come back to Tumbling Tots, is that true?"

My mom shook her head. "I'll be back next week, but don't tell anyone, it'll be our little secret, okay?" She nodded, happily as we went outside and took a seat on the couch. My mom sat across from us in her recliner.

I took the time to observe everything. She had redecorated and the place was definitely cleaner. Mom actually looked healthier too. It silently made me feel as if I had been taking my healing time for granted and that I too, should be trying to do something for my mental health but yet, I'd just been passing the time. Bickering at Chris for whatever I could think of.

I sat and watched as Mom and Royalty played with some of my old baby dolls. It warmed my heart to see that regardless of the situation with Nia, Royalty was still happy. 

I just wish I was.

Sad thing about it is, I don't even know what's wrong.

I blinked back tears before anyone noticed and put a smile on my face. I heard Mom instruct Royalty to go to the closet and see what other toys she could find, so I took that as a sign that she already had saw.

Once Ro was out of ear's reach, Mom scooted to the end of the recliner. "Talk, Luna."

I shrugged my shoulders, playing oblivious. "How has chemo been?"

"I've been in remission for about 2 weeks now, so I've been thinking of going back to the daycare. I miss the kids, and staying in this house gets me down too much. How have you been?"

"Mom, you got through all of your chemotherapy and didn't tell me?!" I asked, half happy for her, half saddened that she hadn't thought to share that with me. "Well, my phone has been off for a little while now, but I told Kendall to tell you. He says you never reached back out to him. Or Kate for that matter."

"Yeah, I know." I was a little disappointed in myself after that.

"Why is that? Ya'll three were as thick as thieves before." 

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