16: Hopefully (Part 2)

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Luna Livingston (2 weeks later)

It'd been two weeks since Chris and I retrieved Royalty from Ella and began to put the past behind us. I'd completed my story and published it, for word to get out about the truth behind Penguin Publishing. Ella confessed and complied with police, which led to them capturing Mrs. Winston as well. They were awaiting trial and I didn't even know if I wanted to show up. I just wanted to put this behind me.

There was only one loose end.


She was yet to be found. She wasn't at her apartment, Ella claimed she hadn't seen her, and Chris hadn't heard from her. It was as if she'd dropped off the face of the earth.

I knew damn well she hadn't though. She wanted money bad enough to sell her daughter out, I'm sure she's somewhere, lurking, until the time is right. Waiting until the time is right to make our lives a living hell all over again.

I had heard back from all types of jobs for great opportunities, but none I wanted. Stupid me, I know. 

My heart wanted to work on this comic with Chris though. We would be ready to publish it by now, but he's been attached to Ro's hip since we got her back. That's a good reason though, so I'm not complaining. As long as we get it done. 

I'd already written my part, it was just up to Chris to draw it. 

If my baby couldn't do anything else, it was draw. Art was his passion, it only made sense we did this together. 

    I looked up from my laptop to see him coming in the door with bags. When the hell did he have time to go shopping? And where the hell is Ro?

"Hi, baby." I said, smiling. Mostly because of his hair. It was freshly cut and I loved it. Don't get me wrong, the blonde is cool, the swoop-do he does is cool too, but to me, nothing beats that fresh cut with the tiny braids on top.

He grinned childishly. "You'll never guess what I found at the mall today. Or shall I say, who?" He snickered. I shook my head. "Who?" He pointed to the door and in walked his mother, holding Royalty.

"Ms. Joyce! Oh my gosh! It's so good to see you!" I closed my laptop and walked over to her, greeting her with a hug. "Hey, Luna, baby, I've missed you!" 

She then slapped me upside my head. "That's for not telling me ya'll had got back together."

I eyed Chris and he shrugged. "She hit me too, babe." 

I laughed it off and helped him carry her stuff to the living room. "So what are you doing in California, Ms. Joyce?" I asked, taking a seat. 

"She came to see me!" Royalty cheered. "And me!" Chris snickered, picking her up and spinning her around. It made me happy to see them all so happy to see one another, but it also made me sad because I couldn't even remember the last time I'd seen my mother or Kendall. 

I'd been so wrapped up in Chris' life, this comic, and my recovery, I had been failing to see the people that meant the most to me in my life. I quietly sucked it up and continued to engage in conversation with Ms. Joyce.

"Well, actually, I saw your article in the paper and I was just so proud of you. You always were a great writer." I couldn't contain my smile.

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome, so what's new for you? Do you stay here now?"

I shook my head, avoiding Chris' stares. "No, I stay in a apartment downtown. And I've gotten a lot of different opportunities for writing jobs. However, I think I'm gonna stay here in Tarzana and do a comic strip with Chris."

A Work of Art (a Chris Brown Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now