the devil and the angel 「 」

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I was sitting on my throne, all alone. Bruh! It is so boring. I can't do anything. Someone knocked on the door. 

"Señorita, you have a letter." The servant said. She handed it to me it. Looks so fancy.

"Who sent this?"

"Your father, Astaroth."

"Oh, okay. You may leave." She left and I opened the letter. It says;

'Kill this angel. Then you'll be the queen of hell.'

A smirk formed in my face. "Sounds easy. Bruh!"

My phone rang and I answered it. "Hello?"

"My dearest Lucy, did you receive the letter?" My Father asked.

"Yes, Father."

"Are you gonna do it or not?"

"I'm so so so bored. So I'll do it."

"Good. If you do kill that angel, you can be the next queen of this hell."

"Yah yah...gotta go. Bye." I ended the call.

I quickly leave the hell and I'm searching for this angel. I was in the park when I saw the angel. When I got closer, I froze in my spot. Why is my heart beating so fast? Is this what they called love at first sight? I go near him. I think he's in trouble. "Need help?"

He just nodded and I helped him catch his cat. "Thank you. What's your name?"

"Call me Lucy. How about you?"

"I'm Minhee. Are you free today?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"I heard there was a new open restaurant nearby. Let's go check it. My treat because you save my cat." He said. 

"Oh sure!"

We went to that restaurant. And I must say, it's pretty and calm. We ordered food and he excused himself.

"Uhmm can you carry Tan for a while? I'll just go to the bathroom." Minhee said.

"Oh sure. No problem." I said. I put Tan in my lap and Minhee quickly went to the bathroom. I took my phone and dialed my Father's number.


"Did you already kill that angel?"

"No Father."


"I-I can't Father... Sorry. I think I'm in love with that angel."

"You are a disgrace to our family! Angels and Devils have been known rivals for so many years! You fucking know that!"

"Blah blah blah blah! Yeah whatever!" I ended the call. And I saw a nearby trash can. I throw the envelope. I don't need that.

Queen of Hell? No thanks!

Queen of Hell? No thanks!

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