23. "Happy"

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Jungkook lays on his bed with the lights out. All he wanted to do was sleep. He was tired, both physically and mentally even emotionally. He didn't know what else to do. He threw his last straw when Aufilea mentioned those hurt words that she hated him. He couldn't do anything else but watch her leave. He was tired. He could've chased after her but knowing these two crazy women, mother and daughter, he knew to let them have their little moments to be harsh and cold before he could reach them. But he didn't have the will to reach them at that moment. He felt useless in the situation, not having a powerful say.

He hears the bedroom door opening and closing, he knows very well that it's his wife. He didn't want to face her. So many times he's tried but she's pushed him away. Did he also have that same heart to push her away? The same right? It only seemed fair.

He hears the bathroom door closing and decides to turn to his side closing his eyes. He couldn't sleep but he wasn't about to let Fiela know that. He was gonna fake it till he made it. The door finally opens again and Fiela comes out.

She closes the door and light and makes her way to the bed. Her knee dips down on the bed and she crawls under the blanket staring at the wall. She closes her eyes and feels the tears as they spill silently. She still didn't know what to ponder on first. The fact that she's lost her daughter and the truth was out or that Jungkook didn't comfort her. She now realises and misses all the times how he'd comfort her even in the wrong. His arms never leaving her, but tonight not even a look. She sniffs and turns around facing her husband's back. They were big and beautiful. She could cry on them and he'd always be by her side. Never had she doubted that. So she let it out.

Jungkook's heart softens hearing her sniffs and cry silently but chooses to leave her cry. But then like a shuttering sound she pours everything out in an uncontrollable ache of pain and strong tears. He stays still hearing her cry with his eyes closed. She sobbed and he let her cry, trying to ignore her. But it took a lot in him to ignore her until...

She stopped. She cupped her mouth and tried silencing herself. She still wondered how he was was always strong and how she always took advantage of that. She turns back to the wall deciding to keep it to herself. It was drizzling outside.

He turns around facing the fanned ceiling listening to her. She now had hiccups and was doing a lot of sniffing. He couldn't let her cry. No matter how much he wanted to care for himself he couldn't let her break down alone on the bed. He wouldn't allow that while he was still alive and on the bed.

He takes a deep breath. "I can't sleep," his soft voice breaks into the thin air.

It takes a moment for her to replay but she does after several of sniffs. "Neither can I," her voice breaks.

Jungkook smiles a little turning his head to her side but she's still facing the wall. He looks back to the ceiling. "I know this is bad timing but, we need to fix whatever's going on between us. I can't stand not being able to talk to you when I want or even hold you or in this case comfort you after what has just happened,"

She says nothing. Jungkook knows that if they have to talk about Aufilea now that they'd neglect their own feelings and argument. He wanted to get her mind out of that state first and focus on their matter so that when they'd talk about Aufilea, they'd make a decision together and not one sided.

"Please," he says again. "Let's talk about this." He doesn't bother trying to phrase it as a question as he really just wanted to talk with her.

Her head nods and Jungkook catches the small gesture.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

"Of course," Her voice is a raspy from crying. She clears her throat and nods again.

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