26. "Mini reunion."

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4 days later

Jungkook thanks the waiter for the food as she heads back in the kitchen with all the dishes. Taehyung shakes his head laughing.

"I thought you said you didn't have an appetite today?" Taehyung questions watching Jungkook open his coke. "Why do you think I didn't order anything? I watched you eat all three of your plates, enjoying your meal,"

"When you've got to eat, you've got to eat," Jungkook smirks.

They've been sitting in the local dinner having a little reunion with each other. They worked hard during the day and in the afternoon mat up to just sit and talk and eat.

Jungkook was extremely glad for the get together. "But in all seriousness, the mission I went on earlier made my empty stomach full. A woman drowned her child in the bathtub. She commited suicide later on by poking her eyes out and drowning herself in the same tub as her child. That's what her husband's brother wants us to believe, but my itch doesn't believe it,"

"Damn," Taehyung frowns. "That sounds like a tough case,"

"Not tough for me. I have my suspicions already and the reports I've documented and people I've had a chat with so far, have proved my suspicion correctly,"

"I can't ever imagine being a detective officer. Talk about cold case." Taehyung shakes his head. "You're still a strong man Kook,"

Jungkook smiles leaning back on his chair. "It's passion that drives me... Also I don't like when the family remains in the dark,"

Taehyung sits up leaning on the table. "Actually.. that case sorta reminds me of myself. Wow," He says and chuckles with no emotion. "I still have regrets of that day."

Jungkook nods his head listening to what Taehyung had to say.

"Just when I thought Namjoon and I were bonding, he just... I mean of course now I understand why he did it. I understand the bitter hate love he had for me but still.. I mean. He took Taedae.. Andrea and himself. He left me all alone so that I could feel what he felt all his time.. but now that I've felt it, what do I do? Where do I go? Who do I tell? I've pushed so many people away.. I've pushed you guys and the very first family I've ever had.." he sighs. "I guess what I'm saying is that, I've dealt with it, I've felt the pain and now.."

"The door is always open for you, if you want to come back," Jungkook encourages. "Family right? We never really walk alone.. Jin told me that. When you loose your way, you get lost for a while but eventually you'll find the road again and get back on it. That's where the rest of the family is,"

Taehyung smiles and feels deep. He didn't even have to say it and Jungkook already understood him. He nods his head. "How did I ever give up on you guys?" He asks rhetorically but Jungkook still answers.

"Sometimes holding in too much emotions can make you do crazy stuff," He answers. "And become distant,"

"Like Aufilea." Taehyung drops the bomb making Jungkook sigh.

"Yeah she's... What I can say is that she definitely has her mother's strong heart. It's a positive and negative thing. Positive because she loves whole heartedly and cares strongly, but negative because once she's set her mind, her heart becomes strong enough to hate, ugh," Jungkook groans closing his eyes. "I hate this moment we're facing,"

Taehyung feels a bit guilty in him and sighs blurting out a confession. "I'm the one who told her everything.. I'm sorry,"

Jungkook opens his eyes and stares at Taehyung with confused emotions. All this time they thought it was Yoongi but now it all makes sense. Jungkook shakes his head. "No, it's all good. Better out then in, Shrek always says,"

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