Next Step

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I started work with my Aunt and while I liked working with her because I'd always loved my aunt ...But after working for week already as Braxton had warned, I found that it really was boring.

But rather the mind-numbing, day dragging kind of boredom that only genuinely having absolutely nothing to do, can produce.

"I'd like to see your Bouquet techniques." My Aunt said, suddenly coming up from behind me now.

I asked all the proper questions.

"Any special occasion?"

"Date night." She smiled.

"Is there a particular color scheme or flower the recipient would prefer?"

"Cream...and touches of light specific flower, what ever you think would go best." She said.

I smiled and nodded. I went around the shop and grabbed the flowers with those colors I felt would go best...and I even popped in some blush pink peonies as they kind of always make me think of my mom (they're her favorite flower).

Then I made my way back behind the counter.

"Would you liked these wrapped or in a vase?" I asked.

"Wrapped...I do believe our recipient may have far too many vases from her Mate bringing her flowers so constantly." she said with a beautiful smile in her words as she spoke so adoringly.

I couldn't help but smile alongside her but also felt sad as I realized, my Aunt must be thinking about her own mate...missing him.

I arranged the flowers to my liking before picking them up and bundling them together in the light wrapping. "And, how is this?" I asked as I presented them to her.

"Oh she's going to love them."

I turned to find my Dad had walked into the store.

"Hey Dad." I smiled.

"Did you make this?" He asked of the bouquet, "Your mother is going to love these."

"Oh...I didn't know they were for Mom, I would have added more peonies." I said as I looked at the few I had added.

He shook his head, "This is fine, and thank you." He said as I paid.

I charged him and he slid his card into the card reader, ignoring Aunt Priscilla's urging to just take them.

"I'm taking Your Mom our for dinner this you will have to fend for yourself." He said teasingly.

In a house full of food...oh goddess, what ever will I do?" I said before I smirked. "I'm just playing, Was Ry at the house, maybe I'll see if she wants to grab dinner?"

"Well she was on the phone when I left, but if you girls do go out tonight make sure you stay out of trouble...have fun, but be safe okay?

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "I get it Dad...Love you."

"I love you too Elise, now don't destroy the house before your Mom and I get back."

I nodded and he smiled and left.

"They were always so cute." Aunt Priscilla said lovingly. "I will always remember how my Benjamin teased his little brother about his first date with your mom...Richard had picked up flowers and he was so nervous he'd spilt an soda all over himself." She laughed lightly. "We had to go back to the pack house to get him cleaned up and then he ended up showing up to the date late...but he made sure Rebecca happily go her flowers."

"And he always has." I put in.

She sighed, "Those were the best times...but, life goes on as do we...please take care to clean up and start closing shop my sweet Elise." She said before disappearing into her office.

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