part four - the culprit?

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Ayanos p.o.v

The lunch bell goes, and I leave, heading straight to the roof, where taro sits. I don't wait for anyone, mainly because I don't trust anyone, and secondly, I need to make sure I don't heighten anyone's fear.

So I walk, keeping myself emotionless in the outside, but alert and making sure nobody is following me.

I make my way to the roof, and find taro in his usual spot. I walk over, staying calm, and trying to ignore hananko, who sits next to him, eating her food.

“Hey, I thought you wouldn't come.” Taro looks up, his mouth still half full. I smile, pathetically, and sit down, not bothering looking at his concern.

He pauses eating, and turns to his sister, I don't look, and look at the ground, leaning forward. He whispers something, causing her to start complaining.

I block her out, knowing it's just going to piss me off.

She huffs and walks away, giving him a look of disgust. I hold myself back, yet again wanting to punch her face in.

I sigh, and catch his attention. “Somethings wrong, and don't lie to me.” He sighs, resting his bento on the opposite side of the bench, and rests his hand on my arm, which is laying on my leg. I don't move, and carry on staring at the floor, hoping he'd leave it alone.

“Don't do the silent treatment ayano, it won't work.” He responds, his voice showing his full concern.

“I'm not, I don't want to talk about it.” I reply, telling the truth. He hesitates and doesn't look away, just annoying me more.

“Do you remember about my first plan?” I ask, making him jolt back. He nods, confused. “Yes?” He asks, and I pause.

I know he still is scared, and I wouldn't blame him in the slightest, seeming as I was going to kill ten people, including his sister.

“Well, I was enrolled into the council because-” I pause, unsure of if I should actually say this. It is a top priority situation, and if word gets spread around, well, its going to cause chaos.

“Its fine, I won't say anything, promise.” He replies, making me look at him, his smile stirs something, but I ignore it, still not used to emotions.

I turn away, and sigh. “Megami has suspicion that there is a copycat yandere, in this school.” I reply, looking towards the doorway, as aoi walks up, to do her sweep around the roof.

Taro pauses, and im not shocked in the slightest. “You mean?” He asks and I nod. “They ain't planning to kill, they want to send a message, not to mess with their senpai.” I sigh.

“Do you know who they are?” He asks, his voice showing his encroaching fear. “No, we don't know much, its happened recently, that we know of. We have no clue, so everyone is in trouble, megami expects me to know.” I shake, feeling guilty.

I know this person must have known my intentions, and well, do the same. I can't understand why I feel guilty, I don't even know what it's stemmed from.

“Hey. It's not your fault. I understand megami wants you to know, and well, I know you do.” He says, holding my arm tighter. I say nothing, tears roll down my face. I hold my head, shaking, still scared, of these emotions, and what everyone wants me to know.

“Just because I was one, and still am, doesn't mean I know everything.” I whimper, squeezing my eyes shut.

“Don't worry about what people want of you, think of it as your a vital part to this investigation, you may not know everything, but remember, you've been in the same mindset before, so your very talented at spotting these things.” He whispers, using his other hand to lift my chin up.

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