part nineteen - evaluation

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Infos p.o.v

So she's truly lost it.

I noticed her earlier, running pass my room, coming from the science room next to me. She wouldn't have any use of being in there, unless she's attacked someone.

Three people in an hour? She's really ramping it up.

I know she's attacked ayano, as the cameras were taken out as it apparently triggered some students as its meant to be a secluded area. Megami got real annoyed, saying it's creating a threat to anyone as its a area like all others, and well she's right.

I heard the commotion by a bug, it was out of range to witness it, but I could tell straight away it was them. Interesting however, ayano was holding no threat at the time being, she was in there as she smashed her head against a table.

Then she attacked aoi. I saw them part ways from behind the gymnasium, but aoi looked fine, just pissed, her on the other hand, was jogging away, red in the face, and loosening her scarf, clever, aoi must have strangled her.

But then the cameras were, like always, hacked into, causing a loop. So she's obviously hacked in again, and attacked a student.

How does she keep getting in? It's annoying!

I slam my fist onto the table, it shudders slightly because of my aggression. I don't care, its making my patience wear extremely thin.

I know I have no idea how her technology skills are, let alone the capabilities of anything, so she's using that as a advantage, clever.

I lean back in my chair, ignoring the constant notifications popping up, there's more pressing matters.

So, from what we've gathered, she isn't strong, but one of the most agile students here, which must have factored in her actual student council work, secondly, her weapon abilities, she's must have had experience before, such when she attacked akane, she had somehow shifted underneath her grasp, aiming for her arm. She's clever than most, well the entire council are, but, her manipulation skills, there better than ayano’s. Her acting and realisation of student schedules, she knows them off by heart, having known exactly were yaku was, and what he was doing.


What are we actually doing? Kuroko still hasn't told anyone, except don't leak the evidence out, and keep it to our group? We have so much, there's no way she would be able to have a alibi for all of it. Is it because she's scared? Worried? I don't know, the council love to be elusive, especially when it comes to their personal information.

Well, at least there's more time until they have that stupid meeting.

Speaking of which, how would she react to the attack?

Curiosity takes over, and I lean towards the desk, I focus on getting the cameras up, and go straight to class 1:1, where she is, trying to keep herself together?

I pause, confused. The other students don't have a care in the world, that's she's mumbling to herself, with her hands on the side of her head. What is going on?

The teacher hasn't noticed it either, and is doing teaching. What is going on? I could turn the audio on, but, the teacher would drown her out, so that's useless.

I know the council haven't got the best reputation, so maybe they don't care? No, if they saw anyone having a insanity session, they’d worry.

The others, they need to know.


My adrenaline kicks in, and I furiously type in the messages, knowing at least one would answer.

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